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Topic, steal the spoon from the person below you....

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john96 2 years ago
  My robot stole the spoon while gecko was sleeping. We hid it somewhere in our heavily guarded house, there are 22 rooms, so it will be hard for anyone to find, haha!
geckojsc 2 years ago
  When you stopped to refuel your ship, I climbed aboard and used the spoon to turn the ignition switch. I take off and head to the nearest intergalactic soup bar, leaving you stranded at the fuelling station.
chris3000 2 years ago
  I destroyed the alien base and stole the spoon, and I flew off on one of their prized spaceships!
john96 2 years ago
  I stole the spoon and hid it somewhere in Area 51. The aliens are heavily guarding it, plus there are a few laser forcefields blocking people from entering.
chris3000 2 years ago
  Well I stole the spoon from myself, xD. This topic is way past dead now.
chris3000 3 years ago
  Wow I still have the spoon after 2 months, I made copies of them so I can have the original one.
chris3000 3 years ago
  I discover your lair and acquire the spoon, I hid it somewhere in South Africa. I am an expert on riddles so I won, yay!
MeatyDino246 3 years ago
  I change my name to 'no one', find your hiding place, and take the spoon. Next, I place the spoon in the deepest part of a lair filled to the brim with all manner of deadly traps and challenging riddles.
Coolguy52 3 years ago
  I was just going to go to the Moon for my holiday! How lucky that I found the spoon there and now I have it. I now have the spoon in my possession and I'm hiding in a place where no one will find me.
chris3000 3 years ago
  Happy July 4th and I hid the spoon in a base on the moon.There are 20 of them so you'll have to look carefully.
chris3000 3 years ago
  Well, I used a magic wand to steal the spoon once again and I hid it somewhere in Africa.
Coolguy52 4 years ago
  The weakest link is the human link, bribing the guards to simply hand me the spoon was easy. It’s now back in the vault. I’ve made the vault more secure so that you cannot get in no matter what you try.
suhangha 4 years ago
  Yes, sub-account. But, suhangha-3 to suhangha-7 was stolen by her.
chris3000 4 years ago
  Suhangha, are you using a sub account? Anyways I called Spiderman, Green lantern, Captain America and Batman to help me retrieve the spoon and they did. We put the spoon in an underground base which we know about. And it's heavily guarded.
suhangha-2 4 years ago
  Seem to guys ignoring it these days, but this is the sub-account. It should you're remember me
Coolguy52 4 years ago
  Steal Chris’ spoon like so: You might have noticed a long gap, and that’s because I scoured each of the 75 bakeries that control 80% of Italy’s produce. At the 67th one I checked, the spoon was tucked away in a dark corner. Anyway, I have it now - and I put a GPS tracker on it and lock the spoon inside my vault. Even if you get the spoon, can you get rid of the tracker?

But yes. My spoon is the only spoon, and it cannot be made into something which isn’t a spoon, otherwise it would be quite easy to get the spoon.
suhangha-2 4 years ago
  The Rules, cannot make or scrape a spoon, and only one should be used?
I want to participate
chris3000 4 years ago
  Lol, I still claim the spoon!
chris3000 5 years ago
  I steal the spoon and hide it in an unknown bakery shop in Italy. There are 75 food shops so you'll have to guess which one.
CubixIII 5 years ago
  MESSAGE FROM UNIVERSE/TIMELINE: (redacted by sender)


Uhh... if you're seeing this, then I've successfully communicated to another Timeline!

My name's Cubix. My screen name is usually "CubixThree" or some variation of that.

I'm a common participant in what you would refer to as the "Steal the Spoon" game.

It's kind of like Cross-global Tag. Or possibly, cross-universal tag if you're really invested.

The creator, PorkFactor9, started the concept on a forum post ten years ago. (I can't quite remember the website's name, frankly, it's quite dated) It gained some popularity, but the player count was minimal.

We did have fun, though. We traveled through space and time itself. I was a fairly recent player, but got hooked quickly. And not once do I remember crossing timelines or universes. Technology was just not that advanced.

Until now.

You see, I've dug through some universes, and many, many civilizations seem to have this trend: "telephone"-like games where you go to extreme lengths just to capture some precious object.

I feel like it's time to have some fun. To go to the next level, if you will.

We are going to send a link between your universe... and ours.

Well, what's so different about our universe, then?

I noticed that your game's creator... left a little caveat. The "spoon" can not be anything other than a spoon. Not a "fork" or a "spork" or a "monkey." I mean, come on! What the hell is a "spork?" Foons are clearly superior.

We've... decided to get rid of that little kink in this game we're playing.

Upon the next of your Earth days (the Spoon Game Team will try their hardest to keep the right time), the first pair of remote communication devices will be open on your forum.

Okay, I'll put it in baby speak: You're going to be controlling robots in another universe! Sound fun?

I will not tell you where I am. I will not tell you what Universe, what Timeline I am in. All I can say, is that it's certainly not yours.

chris3000 5 years ago
  Lol, I still have the spoon!
chris3000 5 years ago
  I went to Dynamo's house while he was asleep and stole the spoon, I hid it in an unknown underground factory. I won't tell where it is.
Dynamo 5 years ago
  I climb through Coolguy's window dressed as the tooth fairy and steal the spoon which is conveniently hidden underneath his pillow. I quietly climb back out through the window and run off gleefully into the night with the spoon. :D
Coolguy52 5 years ago
  You didn’t steal it - so you didn’t obey the topic. I steal it back! (Plus how do I have he spoon’s legal rights?)
kalina200 5 years ago
  I peacefully take ownership of the spoon after signing some documents with Coolguy52, giving me legal rights to the spoon.
Coolguy52 5 years ago
  You neglected the topic - neglecting to feed the lion guarding the spoon. This lion is now very hungry and weak. I can simply pick up the spoon now, and so I’ve got the spoon :)
chris3000 5 years ago
  Wow, I've had the spoon for a while.
chris3000 5 years ago
  Ha, I took the spoon back and threw it behind a lion. He is guarding it.
Coolguy52 5 years ago
  What luck! I was just going to go on a boat trip down the Yukon River! I went and saw... the spoon!
chris3000 5 years ago
  And I take the spoon and throw it in an unknown Alaskan river.


First post of the topic

Jster95 15 years ago
  just a little game to play when your bored that doesn't involve turtles, zombies, cars, or any of the other stuff. Simply steal the spoon from the person below you. Since no one is below me (pulls spoon out of cupboard) I'll start it off. Now where did I put that butterscotch pudding.

Edit: You cannot change the spoon into anything The spoon is the spoon not a fork, a spork, or a monkey.

winners: 1000th post Gecko!!!
2000 post Niimporta !!!
3000th post:BlooDemons.
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