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Topic, steal the spoon from the person below you....

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Coolguy52 9 years ago
  Hey! Don't steal my stash of Cheerios, those cost money! Forget it, I'll have the spoon and sell it on eBay to the highest bidder, auction ends in 5 msgs time, gl!
kalina200 9 years ago
  Until A Spon Turns Into The Spoon...
Coolguy52 9 years ago
  Dynamo, it was already radioactive so it didn't need to be incinerated xD GG! Dynamo wins and is now dead from the subsequent 'accidental' meltdown of the reactor.
Dynamo 9 years ago
  I incinerate the spoon, Game Over.
Coolguy52 9 years ago
  I found it, Ok, well, I'll just put it in a fission reactor, gl.
gamelover101 9 years ago
  No, sorry, there's only a 5% drop chance of the spoon on death.

95% of the time the spoon just respawns somewhere else in the world. Can you find it?!
CubixIII 9 years ago
  I used DETERMINATION to revive myself. I attack MeatyDino246 with my Real Knife and deal 99999 damage. Um, I got the spoon?
MeatyDino246 9 years ago
|Tackle| |Splash|
|Cut| [Reference EarthBound]
MeatyDino246 used Reference EarthBound!
It's super effective!
The wild CubixIII fainted!
MeatyDino246 gained 26 exp.!
*picks up dropped spoon*
CubixIII 9 years ago
  Hey, what? No Earthbound references! We're doing Undertale. And I steal the spoon from Asteroid anyway. Your quiz sucks. I kill Coolguy52 since he isn't android so I won't have to listen to any more stupid quiz questions.
Coolguy52 9 years ago
  What? It wasn't hidden on an Asteroid! Well, it isn't now :) Still 8 letters, GL.
MeatyDino246 9 years ago
•The CubixIII became tame!
•The CubixIII dropped a Spoon!
•MeatyDino246 gained 73 exp.!
•MeatyDino246's level is now 75!
•Offense went up by 2!
•Speed went up by 1!
•Guts went up by 1!
•IQ went up by 1!
•Max HP went up by 2!
•Max PP went up by 5!
CubixIII 9 years ago
  I steal the spoon from asteroid. Cubix is getting tired of this quiz. Would you like to SPARE or FIGHT?
Coolguy52 9 years ago
  Ha, there are many moons between the three objects with seven letters, and have six letters themselves. But you said Trit-, oh... I will take it and hide in on an object called _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, HA! You will never find it here!
CubixIII 9 years ago
  I steal the spoon from Europa.
btw thx google
Coolguy52 9 years ago
  @CubixIII Hmmph, lucky guess.

Anyway, I'll have that now, and put it on a moon of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ called _ _ _ _ _ _
gamelover101 9 years ago
  oh, my bad

I'll take that and go now, thanks! *runs away*
CubixIII 9 years ago
  You stole everything but the kitchen sink, though...
And guess what's IN the kitchen sink???
I steal the spoon from the kitchen sink that gamelover101 didn't steal
gamelover101 9 years ago
  i steal everything, making me the richest person in the world
CubixIII 9 years ago
  I steal the spoon from the Oort Cloud.

And yes I learned about the Oort Cloud in 7th grade Science.

And yes I am 13.
Coolguy52 9 years ago
  It isn't a planet, and it has a proper name.
CubixIII 9 years ago
  I go to planet eeny meeny miny mo and steal the spoon.
Then I steal the spoon from the person 858 comments before me. Which of course is Totallyepicdude321.
Coolguy52 9 years ago
  He didn't have the spoon, and you don't know where it is, you need the name of the object.
CubixIII 9 years ago
  Actuallly, you are wrong, the person 857 comments before me is alanliu12121, who was still alive when I joined this battle, and still is. Don't argue with me. I did the math... oh wait you already edited the comment -.-

I pchooooo to the object very far away from the sun and stel th poon.
Coolguy52 9 years ago
  I wondered when someone would notice, but that person is me. So I'll have that back m9, It is on an object very far away from the Sun, but still in the Solar System.
CubixIII 9 years ago
  *slow claps*
Uh uh uh! You forgot to steal the spoon! I steal it from the person 857 comments before me!
Coolguy52 9 years ago
  I fixed it.
CubixIII 9 years ago
  I steal the spoon, maneuver through some tricky bullets, and SPARE Coolguy52

Oh yah and kalina200 caused a time paradox anybody in here gonna fix that?

(oh frick i forgot i'm in the time police so i have to fix it -.-)

Uhh so I'M TOO LATE OH GOD:::::::::::::
[virus termination in progress 0%]
[Error: a paradox occured. Spoon touched spoon from same timeline.]
[Possible explanation: God dang it, Kalina!]

Coolguy52 9 years ago
kalina200 9 years ago
  I Die
Coolguy52 9 years ago
  It's the spoon, not the spoons...


First post of the topic

Jster95 15 years ago
  just a little game to play when your bored that doesn't involve turtles, zombies, cars, or any of the other stuff. Simply steal the spoon from the person below you. Since no one is below me (pulls spoon out of cupboard) I'll start it off. Now where did I put that butterscotch pudding.

Edit: You cannot change the spoon into anything The spoon is the spoon not a fork, a spork, or a monkey.

winners: 1000th post Gecko!!!
2000 post Niimporta !!!
3000th post:BlooDemons.
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