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Topic, steal the spoon from the person below you....

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Coolguy52 7 years ago
  I think I've been destroyed. At these points in time, I like to reflect on how to destroy the other person. But I won't.


EDIT: Are you still not going to take it?
kalina200 7 years ago
  You smell
Coolguy52 7 years ago
  bad idea...
kalina200 7 years ago
  But I do..
Coolguy52 7 years ago
  No you do not.
kalina200 7 years ago
  I move the spoon to the official Bonuslevel discord server :>
Coolguy52 7 years ago
  Now I have it. (12x+7=10)
kalina200 7 years ago
  A linear would be nice, but only if you had the spoon, which you don't, cuz I have it.
Coolguy52 7 years ago
  Why did you give me one, maybe you would prefer a linear? (I'm pretty sure it's still in my safe)
kalina200 7 years ago
  I don't like quadratics, so I just use technology to replace the spoon with a fake, which I have.
Coolguy52 7 years ago
  Well I have it now. Now solve this quadratic - as it is behind a quadratic safe (x^2-7x+10=0).
kalina200 7 years ago
  No :>

I do
Coolguy52 7 years ago
  Let's wait a few billion years for it to collide with the Milky Way. Seriously though - I have the real spoon.
kalina200 7 years ago
  But what if all the spoons are fake?

Apart from the one which is somewhere in Andromeda
Coolguy52 7 years ago
  You have the fake though. I have the real spoon, from before!
kalina200 7 years ago
  Another fake spoon, I still have it ;)
Coolguy52 7 years ago
  That's just plain not funny - you have made me solve the equation. Fortunately, it's a quadratic, so I'll apply the quadratic formula (Spoiler for working out).



Thanks for the spoon, I'll be off to lock it into a cubic safe :>

kalina200 7 years ago
  No you have a fake, I never hid it in Jupiter, I have it.
It's in an invincible safe, the combination is x^2 + 8x + 19 = 0 solved. Solve that equation, and you get the spoon
Coolguy52 7 years ago
  Jupiter, being a gaseous planet - cannot really have things hidden on it, more in its 'atmosphere', though there are many problems with hiding something in Jupiter's atmosphere. Firstly, since it falls due to Jupiter's immense gravity, it will accelerate to the core, whether it is solid or liquid. This is a problem, as it wouldn't be where you left it. Also, Jupiter - being a Gas Giant - has immense winds which can severely change its course - so it is all but lost so far. I haven't even got onto the pressure situation - as the further we go into Jupiter, the more pressure there is - to the point where when we sent a probe in to investigate (at the end of its mission) it was completely crushed. All of this would be caused by a lot of heat - and also generate a lot of heat - probably melting most elements. This means that even if the spoon were able to survive, nobody could retrieve it.

Except, that it's not actually in Jupiter - because I have it :>
kalina200 7 years ago
  Luckily my AIs are too much like real humans, I can get them to make exact replicas of the spoon while I hide it somewhere on Jupiter
Coolguy52 7 years ago
  What's this tent I see over there? Oh, there's the spoon - what luck!
chris3000 7 years ago
  I finally got the spoon back, I hid it in a tent in the Middle East.
Coolguy52 7 years ago
  You can't burn the spoon, the spoon has survived being thrown in a nuclear reactor. I will take the spoon.
whirl 7 years ago
  i burn it off kthxbye
Coolguy52 7 years ago
  I take the spoon, as God is very spiteful that he was assaulted with a spoon in that manner...
invaliduser4675 7 years ago
  Well I have spoon vision so I saw it and shoved it up god's butt

(Too far?)
chris3000 7 years ago
  I took the spoon from coolguy and then I hid it in an underground ice base. Good luck trying to find it.
Coolguy52 7 years ago
  There is no table, because I have the spoon.
kalina200 7 years ago
  Yes you doing let's start again!


The spoon is on the table
Coolguy52 7 years ago
  Do I win if no one takes the spoon from me in a year?


First post of the topic

Jster95 15 years ago
  just a little game to play when your bored that doesn't involve turtles, zombies, cars, or any of the other stuff. Simply steal the spoon from the person below you. Since no one is below me (pulls spoon out of cupboard) I'll start it off. Now where did I put that butterscotch pudding.

Edit: You cannot change the spoon into anything The spoon is the spoon not a fork, a spork, or a monkey.

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2000 post Niimporta !!!
3000th post:BlooDemons.
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