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Topic, Game "Puzzle It"

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jeti100 12 years ago
  i know but i get bored of waiting a admin like ferrari,gameinsky,elizea,geckojsc,me,hexicube
SimonM 12 years ago
  Ages?? It only has taken 1 day max untill now.
@ Ferrari, it could be because the hand button I added.
jeti100 12 years ago
  Simon maybe a new admin would help ;)

because it takes ages to get checked
Ferrari12 12 years ago
  Simon: It just happens randomly. When it happens all levels are empty, but if I load the game again, those same levels work fine. I don't think it's got anything to do with bugs in specific levels.
Treazer 12 years ago
  I fully agree with Simon. I don't think the BG is too bright or anything like that. The description could be a bit like in BLockoban 2, but I think "Puzzle it" is okay too.

BTW, check your inbox :)
SimonM 12 years ago
Why does all of this happen when I don't have time...
I'll keep the bg, it's not too bright.
This style doesn't interfere with the game play!
Btw for the stop button, I thought BL API would do this for me.
And the short description is the truth: "Puzzle It" is the same as "Solve It".
I'll remove the hand selection. I'll try to make it high light. I'll implement stop button things and a start button. But I won't change bg or add shades as it really looks bad!

@ Jos: When I test the swf outside BL I've that error too. But luckily it doesn't happen when I play in BL on google chrome, so it's probably your browser, but I could look into it.

@ Ferrari: When you get an empty screen with just background means that the game is chrashed. Do you know with which level it happens?

@ jp again: If I want to upload a fix to the swf I have to put it on 'suspend' otherwise it won't upload. So I think it's a flaw in BL.
neoseanner 12 years ago
  um.......... why ?
Ferrari12 12 years ago
  I sometimes get a bug which prevents the levels showing up, so all I see is an empty screen with just the background. Anybody knows why?
Jos 12 years ago
  It can be a "problem" with ubuntu too. Normally I use google chrome on windows.
Treazer 12 years ago
  Not for me :/ Firefox on Windows 7
Hexicube 12 years ago
  jeti it's because I'm jesus, didn't anyone tell you?
Jos 12 years ago
  The exploding of the blocks now always takes place in the left upper corner (left to the music-button) instead of on the block that explode itself. If it does matter: I'm now playing on chromius (on ubuntu).
Maxamed 12 years ago
  It might still need a few fixes you know jeti?
jeti100 12 years ago
  why is it not on front page? and why did hexicube say it?
Hexicube 12 years ago
  "There must be a hole in the admin because I didn't put the game on the homepage mysef. Who did this please :) ?"

I guess BL needs to not allow it when you set it to public ;)
Treazer 12 years ago
  Bad idea. There should be awards when there are more levels. Like 500. And 15 and 50 levels aren't much. Not every game needs awards immadiately.
jeti100 12 years ago
  Hey SimonM i have i few award ideas 1. complete 15 levels,Simple puzzler
2.Complete50 levels,Pro puzzler
SuperDog 12 years ago
  I kinda agree, I just don't notice it.
Treazer 12 years ago
  I don't there's a problem with the background and the force fields. The background shouldn't be darker, and the force fields shouldn't be lighter. IMO you can see all force fields well :)
Masquerade 12 years ago
  The Background is hard to make Tnails, especially people who use force fields for decor (me), because they don't stand out if you make a thumbnail where most of the screen is covered. So the background should be darker or there must be some way to highlight the force fields.

Edit: and while were talking about bugs, I found that you can still toggle sound in the Editor, without clicking the button.
gameinsky 12 years ago
  The Background is flashY, What do you meaN?
It's dark orange with black and most of the time I don't even pay attention to it.
Treazer 12 years ago
  I don't think the background is not soft enough, I really like it :) I have to agree to the rest of all. But the cursor works fine for me.
jp 12 years ago
  Ah OK, don't use the "suspend" state then. I'll put it on home page once I've made more tests.

- The hand cursor doesn't work for me (chrome latest version, macosx lion). I see ti very briefly and then it dissapears.
- I think that the background the game is too much bright/flashy. This generate a bit of frustration for the player I think. You should choose a softer background (reomve a bit of saturation), or/and implement something to highlight the tiles and walls (shadows, glow, ...). I understand this might be a style you want to choose, but the style must not interfere with the playability of the game.
- Please add a START button on the home screen (on the same screen of the "HELP" button). You ahve to call a comd of the api to open the menu when the user presses start.
- When the users presses stop on a level, you are supposed to go back to the home screen of your game.
- The help page should start with something more generic like "The goal of the game is to ... by aligning 2 tiles of the same color ....". The same kind of short introduction should be used as the short description of the game (which is right now just the title of the game "Puzzle it!" (top/right of this page).
Treazer 12 years ago
  I don't really like the hands, too Simon. But I think jp's idea with the enlighthening is great :) It's the same in BLockoban 1 and 2.
SimonM 12 years ago
  jp, I've put the game on home page, as I implemented a hand with blocks. Therefor I needed to put it on suspended. But when I wanted to put it back to online, it wasn't possible. But home page was possible.
SuperDog 12 years ago
  I say, amazing game!
SimonM 12 years ago
  I did, because I wanted to make it public, but I saw there was even a home page option. So I tried it and it worked. I'll try to make hands on it. Although I don't really like hands on the blocks, because then you don't have a difference between a button and a block.
jp 12 years ago
  There must be a hole in the admin because I didn't put the game on the homepage mysef. Who did this please :) ?

There's a few things to go, like showing a hand/enligthening a tile when the mosue rolls over it before it's homepaged.

[edit] note that even if the game is not frontpaged, it's still public.
neoseanner 12 years ago
  no level accepted as official , my level is bad enought (even the bomb defuser and bomb defuser 2 :( )
lmr 12 years ago
  When Simon first catagorized the levels there were three or four insanes. Which were later changed to hard while the game was still in test phase, I think that is why the numbers vary. And is also why gameinsky only shows completing 7 hard levels compared to 10 for the other testers. I guess replaying the levels will change the scores to the correct category.

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Play Game "Puzzle It"

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SimonM 12 years ago
  Puzzle It is my first real game.
I'll keep updating Puzzle It.
If you've suggestions for Puzzle It, you can post them here: Puzzle It : Tile Suggestions.
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