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Topic, Game "Puzzle It"

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gamelover101 12 years ago
  I agree with below.
dingdong 12 years ago
  It's actually pretty good.

Exept you are switching too fast past some parts, you can't get too read what it's about.
Treazer 12 years ago
  Done in 55 minutes... I hope you like it, but I think it's too bad.

Puzzle It - Tutorial
Treazer 12 years ago
  I did, and I can to make a tutorial, I could put text into it and cut it. I'll try, but I can't promise you that it'll be good.
Jos 12 years ago
  Me neither. Hasn't Treazer already made a video of this game? Maybe he can make a tutorial?
SimonM 12 years ago
  Well, that's right, but I can't make proper videos.
Jos 12 years ago
  I thought they were static because otherwise it would be too chaotic etc.(a whole screen with flying blocks, imagine yourself). With little video's (like I said before) I guess the problem would be solved, but I think one big tutorial video is indeed the best.
SimonM 12 years ago
  That's not the problem, it's just the animations are very static, the explanation is too big, it would be better to have a tutorial vid or something.
Jos 12 years ago
  You mean the moving animations in the tutorial? Maybe the animations can be at stop until you click on them (with an arrow on them like when you pause a film in youtube etc.), and then going on like in the normal game (without hitches).
SimonM 12 years ago
  They look dull, and jp didn't like them.
Treazer 12 years ago
  ... what's wrong with the animations?
SimonM 12 years ago
  I meant the ingame tutorial with the 'animations'.
Treazer 12 years ago
  Blocks can be moved in every direction. They can be stopped by specific objects. Match at least two blocks of the same colour to clear them.

If a block hits an icy block, it'll be pushed in the direction of the moved block.

Linked blocks will move in the same direction, if you move one block of the linked group. The linked group can be as big as possible.

Locked blocks have screws on them and they cannot be moved, but they still must be cleared.

Walls are a bit like locked blocks, but you don't need to clear them.

Broken walls are like normal walls, but if they get touched once, they'll disappear.

Force fields can have any colour. They're acting like walls, but only if a block of the same colour hits them.
Blocks can be inside or outside of the force fields.

Grey blocks are dummies. They are like normal blocks, but you don't need to clear them. If you set the "dispose grey" option to off, the blocks can get outside of the game area without undoing the move automatically.

If you hit bombs, they're going to explode and all surrounding blocks are cleared. If you set the "chain bombs" option to on, blocks will explode in a row if they're in a line.

Permanent sticky tiles are like locked blocks. If a block moves into it, the block will turn into a locked block. And if the block is cleared it'll start over.

If a block touches a sticky tile the block is stopped, but the block can move out of it again.

If a block goes next to a smart wall, it will follow the block. Smart walls have colours too, so they can be stopped by force fields. But if a smart wall could follow 2 blocks (can only happen with linked blocks), it'll follor neither one of them.


A bit shorter.
SimonM 12 years ago
  I'm thinking about just scrapping the present tutorial, but I still want users to get know the game. So I'm asking if some one could make some sort of tutorial(not a level).
Treazer 12 years ago
  Thanks Jos xD Completed "Demolish It!" with my first try now :P

edit: Guardian too :D
Jos 12 years ago
  @Everyone who has problems with completing some levels: try NOT to stuck in a fixed pattern. (="out of the box thinking"). Also try to find a goal before the actual goal. E.g.: Where does that particular block has to be placed in the before last move? If you still can't complete a level, try again later and complete other levels in the meantime. You can discover tricks you need to complete levels by playing accept level, but in the first place the official pack is there to learn you the tricks step by step, from kids to insane.
Treazer 12 years ago
  Break the Shields (Puzzle It) I think it should be medium, not insane o.o
SuperMario 12 years ago
  Treazer, what insane level did you completed?
Sherlock 12 years ago
  If cannot work them once-.- Then I'll tried all the possible moves and restart until it finished... XD
Treazer 12 years ago
  What's missing for the frontpage?
Treazer 12 years ago
  It's funny that I completed an insane level, but I can't even complete all the medium ones.
SimonM 12 years ago
  All the difficult levels. :p Well try them as much as possible and try as many strategies as possible, even if they look impossible in the first place.
Treazer 12 years ago
  Demolish It!
Fuse It
Red Cross
Blue World
Outsmart It
Mixed Problems
Deep Sea Submarine
Mini Maze
Octet Structure
Box of cyan
Plastic Grip
Suction Chaos
Block Jam
The Immovables
Timed Fitting
The Circle Of Life
Bevel Bricks
Do Not Bomb
Just Enough

I need to complete these levels, any help?
SuperMario 12 years ago
  Stuck on Forcefield Training
SimonM 12 years ago
  Well a good hint is also trying the accepted levels to get the hang of this game.
Treazer 12 years ago
  I've done this, but I can't do it again xD

edit: Can do it again xD
azz 12 years ago
  Yes I have no idea how to complete slider problem. It is incredibly well designed and I think I've done everything I can but I can't complete it.
Treazer 12 years ago
  I know chris, first I had some trouble on the easy levels, too. And now I need to complete the medium ones.
chris3000 12 years ago
  Man, this game can be frustrating sometimes. I'm not going to lie, I am not good at this game. I even have trouble on the easy levels. This game is harder than you think.
SuperMario 12 years ago
  Sorry, I thought something was a glitch, but it wasn't xD

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Play Game "Puzzle It"

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SimonM 12 years ago
  Puzzle It is my first real game.
I'll keep updating Puzzle It.
If you've suggestions for Puzzle It, you can post them here: Puzzle It : Tile Suggestions.
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