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Topic, Game "Puzzle It"

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SimonM 11 years ago
  I think I'm going to make some levels into an award, like 'Going Mobile' -> Solve Tablet
But those awards will be rewarded with small xp.
Any comments could be useful.
Jos 11 years ago
  I've looked for the (in my opinion) best + hardest levels. There are also some easier (=hard) levels in it:

SuperMario 11 years ago
  I would get a worse score...
Ferrari12 11 years ago
  It seems I've actually managed to complete all the officials :) I must say I am quite surprised!

Though I did it with the by far worst score :/
Treazer 11 years ago
  If we have 2 awards, I vote for my original idea,

Unknot Master
Complete Knotwork (Puzzle It) in less than 50 moves!
EXP +100

because this is probably the most easiest award and still a great challenge :)

And I'd also vote for a pack with insane levels, although I'm not sure if this will work quite well, because the scoring system of Puzzle It is Golf (lowest score is the best) and if you'd have a pack with many insane levels and the goal would be to complete all levels in less than 500 moves, you would maybe also get the award when you complete only one level with less than 500 moves, because you'd have a score on the pack which is less than 500. And you don't have the setting to complete X levels of the pack for a pack award.
Sherlock 11 years ago
  Simon I've to say your PI abuses me so much. xP
But it is also enjoyable to solve out some medium levels. :) Also Thank you Simon and those creators.
Treazer 11 years ago
  You can always have several awards and there's nothing against adding two at the same time.
Ferrari12 11 years ago
  I like Treazer's original idea the best, probably because it's the only one which I've got a fair chance to get :P
Treazer 11 years ago
  I'm a fan of Jos' idea. I totally support it!
Jos 11 years ago
  A level pack with the most insane levels and an associated award looks me a very good idea (certainly because I've completed all of them and a couple of them would be made be me).
The_S 11 years ago
  Yeah, I vote for reward for completing Detonation Chaos and Clogged Gate under 50 moves.
Treazer 11 years ago
  Haha, true. Is a great idea actually :)
oldmanrob 11 years ago
  if you make a pack, you could also add
Bombs! (Puzzle It)
Do Not Bomb (Puzzle It)

the bomber pack. the nsa will love us. :D
Treazer 11 years ago
  Unfortunately it's not yet possible to make an award for completing two levels. But a trick would be making a pack with these two levels and then making an award for the pack.
oldmanrob 11 years ago
  the two most inasane of all insane levels are:
Do Not Bomb 2 (Puzzle It)
Bombs! 2 (Puzzle It)
there could be an adward for both of them or for only one of them or only for people that solve both of them.

and if you want proposal for under x awards:
Detonation Chaos (Puzzle It) 50 or better and
Clogged Gate (Puzzle It) better than 50
on this two levels i would be the only one with the award already in his pocket. :D
Treazer 11 years ago
  As I already told in the new awards topic:

Unknot Master
Complete Knotwork (Puzzle It) in less than 50 moves!
EXP +100
SimonM 11 years ago
  I'm planning to make a new award. This time it will be of the type of "complete a level under x amount of moves". I would like to have suggestion from the community which level and how many moves.
Sherlock 11 years ago
  o.O Achievement got: beat Knotwork.
Treazer 11 years ago
  Wow, I can't believe that Knotwork isn't one of your last officials you have to beat.
You'll probably finish the other 20 officials very soon, or at least the most of them :)

I remember my last official level.
It was Knotwork and before that Bevel Bricks. I needed some time for Bevel Bricks, but Knotwork was pretty hard.
It's already a big achievement, kiethy, well done! :)
SuperMario 11 years ago
  You are recently making me to solve the hardest officials right now.
kiethy342 11 years ago
  Yes, just 20 more officials to go :)

Plus, I completed knotwork!
Sherlock 11 years ago
  o.O I once thought there's at least 120 offlevels now but... well.

There're still many levels I cannot finish, before and now.
SimonM 11 years ago
  Not only keithy and AK, it seems the level standard rose quite a bit.
SuperMario 11 years ago
  you're right, simon. There are many good levels from kiethy and some from ak.
SimonM 11 years ago
  I just got back and I suprised so many good levels have been made!
SuperMario 11 years ago
  1111??? It always happens! :P
SuperMario 11 years ago
  That's right Jos, I keep quality always high :)
Jos 11 years ago
  Thus keep quality always high!
SuperMario 11 years ago
  If I wouldn't create "Twisted X" I would be like 14th in designers.
geckojsc 11 years ago
  Yes, I'm really excited for being able to play this on my phone (and possibly my Ouya too!)

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Play Game "Puzzle It"

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SimonM 12 years ago
  Puzzle It is my first real game.
I'll keep updating Puzzle It.
If you've suggestions for Puzzle It, you can post them here: Puzzle It : Tile Suggestions.
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