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Topic, Game "Puzzle It"

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manufan 12 years ago
  But don't you have access to flash.display? I thought you have access to MovieClips in FD seeing as I use them when making AS3 classes...
SimonM 12 years ago
  The problem is fixed. The problem was related to the centring.
@Jos, that would require resizing and because I use bitmaps the resized objects will look ugly. BB uses movieclips. I can't use them because I don't have flash or I'll have to pay a lot of money.
dingdong 12 years ago
  I already showed the problem to him in chat. He'll fix it soon.
Jos 12 years ago
  Problem with forcefields, Simon! In my new level (Perilous Clearance (Puzzle It)) the cyan blocks go trough the cyan forcefield border.

Btw: maybe you could make the levels as large as the screen (like in BB)?
SimonM 12 years ago
  That sounds like a good idea.
Garygoh884 12 years ago
  Add a circle to the smart walls to avoid confusion to differentiate the normal and smart.
Jos 12 years ago
That's exactly what I mean, Simon.
SimonM 12 years ago
  Sounds good Hex.
neoseanner 12 years ago
  oh i cannot wait to go to the toilet for pee .
[edit] i mean i cannot wait for the release of the game
Hexicube 12 years ago
  SimonM, basically make the button darker when it can't be used.
Also hey JP! :D
jp 12 years ago
  @SimonM, nice new look for the button and texts. There is just a little problem, let me explain. The button and the texts (moves, chain bombos, dispose) have exactly the same look. The user might be confused (why I can click on undo and not on those buttons on the right?). Clickable objects (undo), should have something different from the non clickable texts. For example you could add a shadows on the undo button to make it more clear it's clickable.
SimonM 12 years ago
  Update 6: The undo button has got itself a new design and a new font I created myself. I also made it so that the two options in the editor are shown if they are on or off. The move display also got the new design and new font.

@Jos, so after each move, the number should go down by 1 and after the next move the number would go down 1 if they are still matched. Will bombs also deal 1 'damage'?
Jos 12 years ago
  Too much ideas without thinking about possible ways to use it isn't smart, noeseanner. Also think about the difficulty to implent it in the game. We (I and Imr for shure) also don't want a chaotic amount of blocks etc.
E.g. Path4mouse: honestly I have to say I didn't get the half of all the possible blocks to use. I think we've reached a balance between more possibilities and no chaos after this last.

@SimonM: you always think about details I don't. (thinking...-> coming soon)
Edit: I should do it this way: let them explode one time each move. If they stay next to eachother, they will explode each move one time till you move one block away. I already have two level ideas with it and I think there are alot of possibilities with this one little thing.
neoseanner 12 years ago
  Sorry , I only want to share my ideas here. :P I'm getting fart on the brain .
Anyway, can I have a list of the block that are already implented?
gameinsky 12 years ago
  Stop spamming ideas. geez!
neoseanner 12 years ago
  um another more and more and more tons of idea
-heavy tile (move one tile per move not slide)
-changing colour block (change colour every turn and you can set the colourchanging in the editor)
-acid wall (if one of the block touch it , you must restar)
-magnetic (attract block every turn)
-checkpoint (if the block passing it , you can finish the level like in p4m)
-2x2 block (it's a big block)
-sensitive block (if it destroy when a block hit it, you lose the game )
-medicine powerup (can cure sensitive block into movable wall)
-stick wall (not a original wall , its a line)
gameinsky 12 years ago
  neosanner, glue road is already a tile, and out of all your ideas, I think that a mode when you have to solve it in a certain number of moves would work best.
neoseanner 12 years ago
  more and more idea :
-glue road (if your block pass on it , the block will never move anymore)
-colour sensor (open the gate / miscelanious if the colour that the sensor receive is correct)
-dual colour block (half colour and half another colour but it must be multiconnected to explode)
-quad colour block (same but only two multiconnected)
-sticky block (set the colour and if another block touch it , that block will connected together)
-timer mode (if you can add timer in your game beside to solve and count the score by step)
-multitasking mode ( timing and moves )
-extreme mode ( move and time limit )
SimonM 12 years ago
  I will only implement numbers on blocks. But I got one problem, what if 2 blocks with equal number, let's say 2, collide into eachother and stay like that. Should the complete block go away or only the number minus 1?
MatthijsM 12 years ago
  I can't wait for this to be accepted!
Jos 12 years ago
  Maybe it can give problems with the undo-button? About the way to make it visible: I first thought about a white number on the block it's attached to. But that would give problems with the white blocks. Maybe a grey number (the grey blocks aren't used to make combinations with).

Maybe it's possible to use a sort of counting system on bombs (counting the blocks bumping into it or the moves that are counted until it will explode on "0"). Maybe the counting system can also be used on breaking walls (to make it explode after 2,3,4... times)?

It are only suggestions, nothing more.
SimonM 12 years ago
  I don't think it would be hard to implement, but the number should be crearly visible, and I haven't found an interesting font yet. And if I implement it, the number would be maximum 9. If I add it, it would give a lot more extra possibilities. This might be added!
gameinsky 12 years ago
  That sounds interesting, but hard to implent. I doubt simon will add it.
Jos 12 years ago
  E.g. a blue block: normally it explodes when you use it in a combination with one or two other blue blocks.
When you attach a "2" to it, it will not explode in the first combination, but it will change into a normal blue block. So it will explode in the second combination you make with it.
With a "3" attached to it, it will change into a "2" in the first combination. etc. etc. etc.
gundu 12 years ago
  Wow! You actually did it SimonM! That game must be awesome.
I couldn't espect less from you ;)

Can't wait to see that jewel :D

Good luck with the rest!
nachos 12 years ago
  I know this might be a dumb idea.. But I think it will apppeal to BG designers :D

A BG block :)
SimonM 12 years ago
  Can you clarify what you mean?
Jos 12 years ago
  One more block suggestion: an attachment to a block which makes it possible to use the block e.g. 2 or 3 times in a combination. (leave it if you think it's stupid)
neoseanner 12 years ago
  there is an undo button , maybe i will think of new part that cannot be undid , so we must restart the level. :D
gameinsky 12 years ago
  Neoseanner, I told simon.
Simon liked the idea but couldn't implent it because the undo button makes it very hard to implent.

Games forum

Play Game "Puzzle It"

First post of the topic

SimonM 12 years ago
  Puzzle It is my first real game.
I'll keep updating Puzzle It.
If you've suggestions for Puzzle It, you can post them here: Puzzle It : Tile Suggestions.
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