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Topic, Game "Puzzle It"

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ToughMan 9 years ago
  I certainly agree with the award. As a concept it gives a good incetive to members to keep playing and enjoying the games. 2000 is an excellent award considering the game is new in the community. Thanks to Treazer for the designs. I'd go for the first one (left) as I'm more of simple things.
Treazer 9 years ago
  I'd go with the second one, but I don't need the border, I'd only like to have the sticky patches.

Let's hear what the others say. :)
oldmanrob 9 years ago
  i like the one on the left better. (and i like a lot to have an award for free.)
Treazer 9 years ago
  Alright, here's the image:


I made two versions; one is rather simple, the other one is more complex.
I can always add/remove/change parts (i.e. for instance removing border or sticky tiles, change colors etc.) if you wish so.
svartgryning 9 years ago
  I think completing officials is a reward in itself and looking forward a couple of years there might be more officials so 100 wont be that spectacular.

The 2000 award I think is a excellent idea.
SimonM 9 years ago
  What do the rest of the community think of it? Treazer, you could post the images here.
Treazer 9 years ago
  Simon, are you interested in adding a 2000 level or 100 official level award? I still have an old image I made for that (only for the 2000 one).
svartgryning 9 years ago
  Thank you, that really mean a lot :)
kiethy342 9 years ago
  It's about time :P Congrats!
Treazer 9 years ago
  Congratulations! You really deserve it with your amazing levels. :D
SimonM 9 years ago
  I'm making svartgryning trusted due the consistent exellent levels he has made.
SimonM 9 years ago
  That's right! :)
Treazer 9 years ago
  Haha, that's an easter egg in PI, you must have activated it accidentally. ;)
svartgryning 9 years ago
  Puzzle it = pi = 3.14 ?
CamoDragoon 9 years ago
  "Did you know the abbreviation of Puzzle It it is 3.14?"

What did I do lol?
svartgryning 9 years ago
  Preferably all levels created next week and we could call the pack something like "Challenge Week 23". Not that sexy a name but it was the best that came to mind.

How does that sound?
Treazer 9 years ago
  So, what levels are we going to put into the pack?
svartgryning 9 years ago
  Now I see the advantage. The pack idea gets my vote to.
Treazer 9 years ago
  Yeah, you would have to check each level, there's no other way of counting scores. It would be convenient to put the levels in a pack for the overview and for the separated discussion.
svartgryning 9 years ago
  The pack idea sounds good but wont there be a problem with the score if not every one completes all the levels, or is there possible to have other settings to count the scores different in a pack?

OMR: Guess you could do some powerful things with that list.

Chris: Great, soon you will have it.

Seems like this is going to happen one way ore the other so I have saved up with 3 easy and one medium level.
chris3000 9 years ago
  Svartgryning: That's a great idea. I love a challenge any old day.

Oh watch out guys I'm 81 levels away from the award, :)

419 completed so far
oldmanrob 9 years ago

No way to do it automated. It's typing. It was a fair bit of work when i started it. Now I have just to add the new levels, change my scores when I can improve and change the top-scores if I see it or people inform us.


I like the pack idea a lot.
Treazer 9 years ago
  That's cool. Perhaps we could make a pack with all the levels and then fight for the highscores. When the competition is over, we could edit the pack with new levels and start a new competition.

But which levels go into the pack?
svartgryning 9 years ago
  Very nice statistics there AK and OMR.
It might be better to have the competition 1/6 to 7/6 so there's not to many levels to play at once for those how want to get at the top ten list.

If you want to do the statistics than again AK I'll be very grateful.

OMR: I'm curious, how have you managed to get such extensive list of the scores. Are you doing it all by hand or is it automated?
oldmanrob 9 years ago
  Thank you for the challenge. I could find the best solution for three more levels ("Triplets: Ready", "Unsuspecting" and "Packed Away). Btw I have best solutions for all kids levels and for 1150 of 1167 easy leves. I'm not that good on the mediums and very bad on the hards (prefer not to speak about the insanes).

To keep track of the scores I use Excel. It's better imo as paper and pen. If you like you can give me your e-mail and I will send you the lists (BB BB2 Pi CoBaCoLi).

PS I know I'm crazy.
AK 9 years ago
  Levels accepted under next week?

Does that mean all levels created after 5/23?

If so, I can easily be the scorekeeper, since I have too much free time I enjoy doing those types of things.

Here we go!

svartgryning 9 years ago
  Paper and pen I guess. Generally there are only a few that gets the lowest score so that will not be so time consuming I think. Any way it will be manageable.

If they are in a pack every one has to complete every level fore that to work, other wise its a good idea.
gameinsky 9 years ago
  I guess what you could do is create a pack with the levels and instead rate it on total score rather than highscores.
Treazer 9 years ago
  This would be cool and you could also improve your scores. But how do you plan to count the highscores? It would be a very tedious job...
svartgryning 9 years ago
  What do you think about a competition?

The objective is to get as many hiscores as possible at the levels accepted under next week. Everyone that has the HS on a level will get one point. The most points wins as the week ends, all presented with a nice top ten list.

Any thoughts or suggestions to improve?

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Play Game "Puzzle It"

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SimonM 12 years ago
  Puzzle It is my first real game.
I'll keep updating Puzzle It.
If you've suggestions for Puzzle It, you can post them here: Puzzle It : Tile Suggestions.
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