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Topic, Game "BLockoban"

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chris3000 14 years ago
  I really need an accepted level and i don't think my previous levels were too good either. (sad)
Jyxz 14 years ago
  you mean making blockoban into all it can be
Submachine 14 years ago
  Murat is killing Blockoban(not BB2)!!!
He make a lot of hard level....
Jyxz 14 years ago
  I think there are too many levels for us all to compete on score on all of them... at least I personally am not that interested in it, however I say it's challenge time! anyone interested either make a really good level or choose a really good level that already exists and its time to go to work on it, anyone in?
THeNiNJa 14 years ago
  42 != 3 ..
I thought you were good at math!

Hexicube 14 years ago
  hehe lol this is topic 42 =3
gundu 14 years ago
  I can't even complete it! D:

pauloalex 14 years ago
  in 66 moves is very easy!!
gundu 14 years ago
  Just help me to complete it before! xD
pauloalex 14 years ago
  Thanks, gundu! So, help me to do Archery in 50 moves!
gundu 14 years ago
  So... I'll help you!

After all difficult level is not something that I can do easily xD
pauloalex 14 years ago
  please! not take any more difficult levels, I'm tired .... you are cool!! (thougman, murat, JYX)!
Hexicube 14 years ago
  I speak out of what is expected
sgtdroopy 14 years ago
  Not necessarily. The Wing, for example was excruciating, but many levels after it aren't that bad.
Hexicube 14 years ago
  if you get stuck the next ones will obviously be harder :D
sgtdroopy 14 years ago
  No need, but still a desire. I get stuck on one and get tired of having to scroll over to the next one I haven't beaten. Doing it in a random order would be more exciting.
Hexicube 14 years ago
  no need, just play the first official you haven't played and it goes throught them all
sgtdroopy 14 years ago
  It would be cool if an "official levels you haven't completed" option was added to the random levels part.

(or any levels, really)
oldmtnguy 14 years ago
  Been making levels for the grand kids to play at home, so here are a couple for amateur hour. Hope you enjoy!!
Jyxz 14 years ago
  So many super hard levels yesterday and today, no more amateur hour is for sure.
chris3000 14 years ago
  Do any of you ever take a vacation? If you did i would beat you all at blockoban. except pauloalex
Jyxz 14 years ago
  yeah mario solving only 10% of the levels, game must be so easy
gamelover101 14 years ago

I found that idea on another game site,
I had an account there, but rarely use it
SimonM 14 years ago
  Wow, the blockoban levels are getting too difficult for me
ToughMan 14 years ago
  Chris, please go through the msg board and you will find your answer. Whatever you feel about the ratings there are two things more important than that (in the game). First is how much fun you personally have when creating a level and the second is that levels are primarily evaluated by the admins (that is on a more objective basis). People have different criteria when evaluating a level and you have to respect that, not necessarily understand it, but just respect it. I have bad levels myself (not attractive to the majority) which I enjoyed creating and I have others also rejected, as i believe most of the designers do. My point is that rating is just a measure (subjective at the moment since not all players actually rate) to find out among all different types of levels, difficulties, designs what ppl generally like and not whether you should continue making levels or not. Its something like your football club. It may not produce the best football, but in your eyes it may be the only one and you still support it even if it loses all the time. You may feel disappointment, frustration but you stick to it. Eventually things will come round (sun always rises at the end even after rough nights) and you will feel much better you stood up to the difficulties. Again chris, I believe you should first try to please yourself and then the others. Rating is not that important if it gets into your head.
Sillius 14 years ago
  THAT is the best idea I've seen xD
1 Rating system for quality and design etc. etc.
and 1 for Difficulty :D
gamelover101 14 years ago
  U know, I think we should make seperate ratings for lvl rating and diffuculty rating
chris3000 14 years ago
  The only reason i don't make many levels here is because people will give low ratings based on the difficulty.
Hexicube 14 years ago
  that was the 20th century that's why
MartinfraKongsberg 14 years ago
  They call it World War I and World War II, so why should we be more creative here?!

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Play Game "BLockoban"

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jp 17 years ago
  sound on / off added (burfy's feedback).
16 official levels now. All levels are great. I must say I'm a big fan of Psychotronic's levels (thx Psycho). When a level is "only" accepted, it doesn't mean it will not be official one day, it's just I'm not sure for now.
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