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Topic, Game "BLockoban"

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ToughMan 14 years ago
  I had already made that SleathPilot...actually exactly that (200 was both the name and the design of the game) but the quality of the level was not good enough (at least for my standards) so I rejected it Anyway I would really like to thank you guys for all the support and I promise I won't miss (or at least try not to miss) the 300 which will refer to the Spartans...hehe
SleathPilot 14 years ago
  Why not a level called "My 200th level!" and have a 200.
ToughMan 14 years ago
  I am out of ideas SM...hehe
chris3000 14 years ago
  Another official? Congratz Jos but i would like one here as well. It would be a miracle if i had the 250th official here.
pauloalex 14 years ago
  Thanks, TM. Hopefully you're right about Brazil win!
ToughMan 14 years ago
  Hey PA. Congratulations for the win and for the great performance yesterday. If the winner is not Greece (highly unlikely...hehe) I'd love to see Brazil or Holland win the World Cup.
Jos 14 years ago
  I've also maked a pack but it isn't accepted yet. I don't know why. O.K. there is somethings wrong with (three times the same level in it (only if you play it)) but I can't edit it. It has 14 levels if I may believe the info on my own page. But 16 levels if I play it! Can someone helps me?
chris3000 14 years ago
  paulo's score might be 555,555 moves, lol
Hexicube 14 years ago
  that will take FOREVER lmao
MartinfraKongsberg 14 years ago
  Nice work, Shiro! We're looking foreward to it!
Shiro 14 years ago
  I'm currently working on a pack containing ALL levels, I hope to upload it tomorrow!
Can't wait to see all your scores :-)!
(edit) 2000 levels left!
ToughMan 14 years ago
  Thanks PA. It is only fair to say that we have waited soooo long for this victory that I didn't believe we would ever make it. Anyway, it was really a great game and I enjoyed it very well. 5/5...LOL. Hope you did too and wish all the best to Brazil!
pauloalex 14 years ago
  Hey TM, congratulations for the first victory of Greece in the World Cup!
pauloalex 14 years ago
  thanks TM. But i´m not addict. I´m only a apreciator!!!
SimonM 14 years ago
  Chris you can do it, i did it to in a bit more then a month
ToughMan 14 years ago
  Hey PA,G of course you are addicts my friends (even if you think otherwise). Probably some of the few...hehe.
I was referring however to those players who have recently received the 500+ BB addiction award.
Btw, congrats for your win yesterday.

@Chris: I believe in you chris.
Submachine 14 years ago
I can't do it
But you can!
chris3000 14 years ago
  Well my next goal for me is to beat 500 BB levels in a month. Who thinks i can do it?
gundu 14 years ago
  Why I'm not there :O
pauloalex 14 years ago
  I´m not addict in Blockoban!
ToughMan 14 years ago
  Thnx Jos for your kind words and I never compare designers. For me everyone deserves the same credit and the award for trying to please others. The rest, ratings, rankings, etc, is just for those keeping scores.

I have to apologize to all players because the World Cup - no matter how boring it has become - prevents me from creating new lvls and there is only time for me to enjoy other people's creations. Once it is over I promise i'll get back to work. Just wanted to come clean and i didnt want you to think i I couldn't even if I wanted to...I am addicted!!!!!!! and speaking of addiction WTG to Submachine, chris, molto, magna, Ygg, Shiro, pudel!!!! for joining our club.
Jos 14 years ago
  Thanks TM, you are also a good (probably a better BB designer). So much levels, so good levels! It's a miracle how you can make them like it's nothing.
SimonM 14 years ago
  Congratz Submachine: you are a real blockoban addict
ToughMan 14 years ago
  COngrats Jos. Just saw your achievement. WTG!!
Jos 14 years ago
  Play 20 levels each day and you will get it very fast, allyally.
I have completed 1105 levels just now that way. And you will easier make difficult levels.
allyally 14 years ago
  Congratz! I don't think ill ever be able to get it!
Submachine 14 years ago
BLockoban addict!!!!
SimonM 14 years ago
  congratulations Jos for completing Archery in less than 100 moves.
Jyxz 14 years ago
  Yes, it is certainly amazing with only 1 attached block and 1 icy block it is extremely challenging and very fun to go for a good score. It is hard to believe a level so small and challenging even has multiple ways to solve it. It generally annoys me when players put words like Hard, Easy, or Difficult in the name, but for this level it is VERY fitting. Simply because most of the time its just silly clearly if your making hard level you want it to be hard you don't need it in the name, but the fact its so small and so hard... nice.
Jos 14 years ago
  Do you find my level (Little But Difficult (BLockoban)) so good, Jyxz? Thanks for that very possitive way you talk about my level. And you made a poem in the level comments! So nice! :))

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jp 17 years ago
  sound on / off added (burfy's feedback).
16 official levels now. All levels are great. I must say I'm a big fan of Psychotronic's levels (thx Psycho). When a level is "only" accepted, it doesn't mean it will not be official one day, it's just I'm not sure for now.
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