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Topic, Game "BLockoban" | ||||||
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You must register or log in to post a message.Signed OMG [yes, the admin] I've just returned after a week and a half and seen the big controversy around Obscurity, and I guess it's time I put my two cents in the machine. :P So, all that said, deciding the difficultly of a level you have created is based on your perception of that type of level, the comparison to similar levels created by others, and how you have improved the style. Set a difficulty to how it feels best to you. If nothing else others will tell you their opinion and you can judge from there. (Blockobaneers are better at solving puzzles than average people) Sorry about adding colorful frames to all my levels. I really thought that adding some color would make the levels better. I removed the frames on all the maze levels. I won't add any more frames to any more of my levels then. Thanks! ![]() edit: that is the good news. the bad is i have still 593 to do. A few months ago Camo designed several kids levels as a teaching tool for his younger sibling which showcased many tricks and techniques. @Jos: I definately agree OMG does a great job of doing that when a level is rejected. He explains why it is that way and what you could've done better. Also, remember that there are always going to be a few negative people wherever you go, in real life and especially online where greifers can hide behind their anonymity. No one who counts will think any less of you if you just ignore them completely since they really are not worth your time to reply or argue with them. Stay positive and just have fun! Oh and welcome back ! oh also, just to let you know, the average age of BL admins is 17! (if you exclude OMG, 16)(this is the expected average, I'll calculate the real average) [edit] after calculations the number seems a bit higher: 23 (20 without counting OMG) Infact I'm not whining, you feel like it is whining, but I wasn't whining. I was just saying that people would appreciate it more if you could say it on a friendly tone :). But I'll leave that as your decision. But IMO you should respect everyone, and not look down upon someone because he is not yet an adult. edit: @MCD: I'm not whining at all no-one should have a right to call someone by that way like that. I have never been pestering OMG and you can take that from me. Don't waste your time by arguing with me. @OMG I only react on disrespectful comments by this "bunch of whining youngsters" as lmr called them. Maybe u will consider this or is this allowed to do?? And what I also want to say: I have never ever rated a level down, I only told my feeling about AK's "Obscurity" like MatthijsM has done too. In this cases I rate a level especially in the last time: Simon's (who was never a whining youngster), Chris, Camu's and Murat's level I gave always the highest rate which is possible. And my thanks explicit go to all the designers for their exciting and challenching levels! And to all who r obviously so interested in: don't worry about my age ;). edit: @manufan I'm not interested in "advices" of "whining youngsters" so take it by yourself!!! It upsets me to see OMG being stressed by people not being mature enough to know how this game works. He works hard as an administrator!!! He does not need a bunch of whining youngsters. Magma, though you use use a name of a highly educated person, I feel it is just an aspiration on your part. I don't think you have the right to be so critical of those who take the time and mental capacity to create levels. You have never created a level nor have I ever seen you achieve anything near the optimum score for any level. Since you have not filled your profile with all pertainent information I can only guess that you yet another young,immature teenager. Eventually you will grow up. As my parenrs always said.' Unless you have something good to say, say nothing.' I will qualify that by saying that it is good to offer constructive critisism when it comes from experience. Every one of you out there who thinks you can diss a level, who can only accept the tyoe you like, who thinks they should be given more privledges grow up. This is the best game out there. DO NOT ruin it. | Games forum