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Topic, Game "BLockoban"

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Monty 13 years ago
  I like murats new logo. I tried to upload a photo for mine but the file size was too big. Has anybody got any suggestions of where to get one or how to get a photo on
chris3000 13 years ago
  @CD: I guess he changed his avatar, idk.
CamoDragoon 13 years ago
  IF MGC thinks my levels are boring that's her opinion. There is always two sides to a coin, so thank you for everyone standing up for me but I can understand her point of view. Like I already said, suggestions are welcome but insults and bickering is not needed.

EDIT: Murat has gotten a user image? I didn't expect that. Is this like what happened to TM, or voluntary?
oldmtnguy 13 years ago
  For all players and designers! When the Bonuslevel site is uploaded to your computer, all levels are shown as they existed at the time the game was loaded. They cannot be refreshed without refreshing the entire site or individual game. All other data newly commented levels,comments, scores, awards, designers etc. can be refreshed from their respective sections at any time, independent of each other.
This caused some confusion today when a level was updated after I had signed on and before I had evaluated it without being aware of the changes. I hope this info will help eliminate any future problems. I apologize if this caused any frustration trying to solve an impossible level.
azz 13 years ago
  This will turn in to a rolling turtle type thing...
You get a bunch of people trolling each other and everyone ends up hating everyone.
SimonM 13 years ago
  I agree to omg and gameinsky, this community is just for fun!
oldmtnguy 13 years ago
  I am sure that it would be much better if we avoid rude and arrogant comments. They detract from the game. However a friendly challenge or constructive criticism is always welcome.
For those of you who don't know, CD is a young teenager and in my opinion has above average design skills. I welcome his submissions and am pleased that he includes all levels of difficulty.
gameinsky 13 years ago
  No offense, but I would have expected better behavior for someone of your age.
Easy doesn't always mean boring, and the levels are made for the whole community, not only for you, so think about the less hardcore players :)
MatthijsM 13 years ago
*message was to short*
magnacumlaud 13 years ago
  such a flood of boring levels of Camo
@gameinsky do not need your uninteresting comments
lmr 13 years ago
  @Camo It's all good. Point made and taken. Just keep having fun. I hope your sister is too. Many of your kids -teaching- levels are great.
CamoDragoon 13 years ago
  @IMR sorry about that, and I have a mac, it doesn't spell check, just shows "misspelled" words. :)
@OMG also sorry about THAT too, they are all already local saved (as you could tell I had this many if you looked at the picture, I don't know if you did) and all those kids levels submitted were created in a bunch of their own group (I had made them all at once), which is why I submitted them so fast. And you have done exactly what I hoped for, monitored their flow into the game, rather than me waiting with hundreds of levels for a days and then submitting each on a new day (I still have hundreds left in local save).
So I understand and hoped for your rate of accepting, and also, to be honest I'm partly rushing through because I want to get designing again, but I will still always have these levels if I don't submit them.

@Monty thanks for being my devoted supporter :), and I agree about the levels, sorry.

@greyanna, false, I have been playing new levels and creating a few new levels, the ones that you have all been seeing are those I created before I even got a profile, so from that standpoint many of them are very good. The kids levels were designed for someone who is a really unexperienced player of BB, so they should be easier than kids. I tried to add some mix to the levels as well. I have hardly created any new levels in the past few days, the only new ones are probably Leaves of Autumn (inspired by simon), Detrimental, and Micro Management.
lmr 13 years ago
  @azz.You have created some good levels. BUT judging by the comments from the latest submission you are forgetting the all important factor. Design, TEST, redesign and TEST again before uploading.
I have found that some creations that work great in the brain do not always work. After I create a level, TEST it, and upload it, I then play it to show it is solvable so as not to waste the time of the admins. If you submit a creation that does not work, you are wasting their valuable time. If you have a concept that seems good but cannot get quite right, get someome to help, ask someone to be an editor.
Don't get overconfident. Monitor your work and keep up with the good you have done.
@ Camo,
This is a mother speaking! You are getting better but I really need to say don't rely on spell check. Except (excepting) means leave out or omit. (Like I love all vegetables but (except)brussel sprouts.) The word you wanted to use to refer to your levels was accept.(to receive with favour or get an affirmative (yes) reply) So many of the people who play this game sre challenged by having to translate into English to read the comments, give a title, say something, I feel that we must at least use our English correctly. I also wish I had their bilingual talent.
Keep growing Camo, you are doing good here so far.
oldmtnguy 13 years ago
  @ CamoDragoon to be correct you submitted over 100 levels in just three days. The majority being kids levels. There is nothing wrong with submitting acceptable puzzles. And we welcome all that are worthy of our players. The reason that all of yours weren't accepted at once was I didn't feel that it was in the best interest of all the players to flood the game with kids or any levels. So I have approved them at an even rate and ratio of difficulty.
You are an excellent designer and there is no need to prove that you have that many designs all at once. As you can see it has just stirred up controversy.
If anyone has any complaints or suggestions, please feel free to let me know, because this site is as much yours as it is mine. We are all here for the same reason to challenge our minds and to have a little fun. So lets all try to keep this as entertaining and upbeat as possible.
chris3000 13 years ago
  Thx, I try my best.
lmr 13 years ago
  Yes you have. Some very good ones. Including an official. Keep up the good work c3
chris3000 13 years ago
  I've made some good levels.
Monty 13 years ago
  Amazing Camodragoon. If you keep up this pace with the uploads it won't be long before you overtake Toughman and murat in the levels count. I have to say your levels are great but 150-200 in a month is rather excessive.

Greyanna you've made zero levels
greyanna 13 years ago
  u made hundreds of uninteresting levels with no effort to learn
CamoDragoon 13 years ago
  I agree with you all the way @IMR.
I feel bad for OMG that there are still my grey levels waiting for him to evaluate.
So @ your comment, I've already submitted about 20-40 levels (mixed of kids, easy, medium, hard), but I haven't been pushing at their exception for that same reason, I've just left them to be evaluated at whatever pace OMG feels correct. If you would like me to submit less at once, I can hold back, and you can also ask OMG to slow down in excepting my levels. And just so you know, these levels that I am submitting I had already created before getting a profile, so I'm partly submitting all them so I can get back down to the fun of creating new tricks and puzzles.

Thanks for your thoughts once again.

P.S. My submitted levels total atm is 247.
And there is another good 600 locally saved, won't get through it all for a long time submiting tho.
azz 13 years ago
  Im slowly creeping up the designers list so watch out everyone.
lmr 13 years ago
  Camo, i Know you have said you have have a thousand levels you have created. I also think that is wondeful that you are teaching yor sister this great game.I think you need to stop monopolising. Half of the new levels right now have been created by you. Sugessting 5? levels day would spread out the fun and not intimidate our new players/designers. Something to think about.
CamoDragoon 13 years ago
  There are, officially atm 556 5/5-rated levels. O_o
CamoDragoon 13 years ago
  @Simon+magnacumlaud, they were intended for my younger sibling, who couldn't even solve Getting Started by Matty. So I can understand why they may be easy, I submitted them specifically to be simple kids for those of us not so puzzle solvingly-inclined. :)
For example, I don't expect them to be challenging to murat, just a few easy puzzles for the players not so experienced at BB.

If hard levels are desired, I can send a mixture, but just ask, no need to insult me.

P.S. You still haven't solved some of my hard levels anyway (ex. Deadly Snowflake (BLockoban)) so you still have some "interesting" puzzles to solve, it would seem. :)

Also, @OMG, I have noticed slight lapses between your exception of levels. If this is because you are testing if they are possible (which I doubt), all of mine are tested until I can solve them (except minor exceptions), if you are playing them to enjoy them, then be my guest.
SimonM 13 years ago
  Those levels aren't bad, they are just easy, but we need easy levels to get new members train their skils.
magnacumlaud 13 years ago
  such many new bad levels
i thought CamoDragoon created more interesting levels

seems u r not able to criticize
azz 13 years ago
  I enjoy blockoban but i'm not really an addict XP
oldmtnguy 13 years ago
  Congratulations to MatthijsM and CamoDragoon as the latest Blockoban addicts.
CamoDragoon 13 years ago
  Exactly. :P
SimonM 13 years ago
  Congratulations, it's about time :)

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jp 17 years ago
  sound on / off added (burfy's feedback).
16 official levels now. All levels are great. I must say I'm a big fan of Psychotronic's levels (thx Psycho). When a level is "only" accepted, it doesn't mean it will not be official one day, it's just I'm not sure for now.
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