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Topic, Game "BLockoban"

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Submachine 14 years ago
Very sad :'(
gameinsky 14 years ago
  Well ya, but it's also right.
And you can do more URL's that way.
Shiro 14 years ago
  GIS, that's not right, for levels you do the lvlid=XXX (XXX = the ID from the level).
gameinsky 14 years ago
  [ url= insert url here ] insert description here (optional)[ / url]
Without spaces.
Jyxz 14 years ago
  yeah how do you do that? and thanks btw.
Jyxz 14 years ago
  I prolly should look up how to just put this here with an underline but I propose this amazing level as a challenge level if you want to have a claim at being a blockoban pro beat or match Mo's score, I am attempting to do so myself:

here is the level: Little But Difficult (BLockoban)
Jyxz 14 years ago
  I think there too many levels for me to compete on all of them but as I've said before choose a very fun, not too many blocks, level and set the challenge!
ToughMan 14 years ago
  PA... When talking about BBBB (Big BlockoBan Bright) minds, plz do not exclude yourself. It is unfair to the Game. You are not number one (in official scoring) for no reason. I thank you and all the players for at least enjoying my levels. As for all the BB members I can assure you guys - and hopefully i speak on behalf of all designers - that Best is Yet to come!!!
pauloalex 14 years ago
  Infinite creativity. Congratulations to all designers. We have big bright minds here: Tough. Omg, Murat, Jyxs, Jos, Gundu etc ... I miss competing in official levels. I believe we have great play for a thrilling race point to point.
oldmtnguy 14 years ago
  WTG all you Blockobaniacs!!!! I just noticed that we passed two milestones in the last 10 days. We received and accepted level number 2000, and you designers submitted and had accepted over 100 levels. This is quite an accomplishment when you realize that the original Blockoban game had only 88 levels.
ToughMan 14 years ago
  I never hold it against you guys when you don't comment on my lvls. I just know that both you and PA are the most frequent commentators...hehe and when you find time you always have smth significant to say. Thnx for the overall support and am glad you like them.
Jyxz 14 years ago
  Toughman I am sorry I did not take the time to comment on each of your levels, but once again they are extremely challenging, unique and amazing. I certainly appreciate the work you do for us in making these simply superb levels.
Hexicube 14 years ago
  he's right you know...I should know I made 2 unfinished games...and a toy game too ^^
Garygoh884 14 years ago
  Did you know that jp tells that "being an administrator for a game is boring"?
SimonM 14 years ago
  Completed 1100 levels!!
Hexicube 14 years ago
  I know I just felt like pointing possibly contradictory things out ^^
Elizea 14 years ago
  If you actually did read my message, you should know I got bored of the admin things, not of the site.
Hexicube 14 years ago
  wait you wanna stay here for enjoyment but it gets really boring O_O lol
Jos 14 years ago
  Completed 1000 levels!
Elizea 14 years ago
  Aww thanks oldmtnguy =] And then think that job you are doing atm x6 (I am admin in 6 games)...
You can understand probably why I got bored of it.

And yeah, you won't get rid of me. I will stay in BL of course, if not for you guys, for my own enjoyment =].
oldmtnguy 14 years ago
  Elizea, this note applies to all designers and players. They should all take an extra moment to thank you for all the great work you did evaluating the levels for so long. It hasn't taken me very long to find out that designing playing and rating are a whole lot easier, and less stressful than evaluating. All of you please hang in there with me as we continue to learn, play and enjoy.
chris3000 14 years ago
  I'm getting better on my level skills, but it's quite hard for me to make a hard level, the green category.
ToughMan 14 years ago
  Thank you buddies for your kind words but I believe you exaggerate. I just create like everybody else. In fact I am inspired by PA lately who is uploading continuously great levels each day. Now that is amazing. But thnx for the support. It will definitely keep me going guys.
Submachine 14 years ago
  I only need 44 levels left to complete Award BLockoban addict!
chris3000 14 years ago
  I only need 235 levels left to complete 1000 BB levels.
Jyxz 14 years ago
  Seriously Toughman, so many amazing levels, all unique beyond believe, extremely challenging and fun to solve. How you do it... I do not know, but many thanks is in order. YOUR DA BEST AROUND! NO ONE EVER GOING TO KEEP YA DOWN.
oldmtnguy 14 years ago
  Talk about many many moves. That's what it took me to go through all of your submitted levels today TM. Today should be called ToughMan's day. WTG buddy, today was an extraordinary effort.
ToughMan 14 years ago
  I agree with you Mo on the Quad level. I played it many times myself, got it once with many-many moves and said I would never touch it I am generally a patient guy when it comes to BB levels...but even i exceed the patience limit with that level and reached a point when i said lets get it over with no matter how many moves. Get it out of my head... Having said that i'm sure i'll try to improve my score some day and find the pattern rather than clicking block directions in auto motion.
pauloalex 14 years ago
  play my new pack! Hardest Levels

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Play Game "BLockoban"

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jp 17 years ago
  sound on / off added (burfy's feedback).
16 official levels now. All levels are great. I must say I'm a big fan of Psychotronic's levels (thx Psycho). When a level is "only" accepted, it doesn't mean it will not be official one day, it's just I'm not sure for now.
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