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Topic, Game "BLockoban"

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CamoDragoon 13 years ago
  Guys, just so you know, I'm not on much, but I DO look at the comments for my levels whenever I get on, so please, post comments if you have something to say; they will be read and responded to ASAP. :)
MatthijsM 13 years ago
  thank you and for my newest level i found some names for it

yah I'm 17th now on the designers :)
Monty 13 years ago
  Simple. Just go for what the blocks look like. If they don't resemble anything in particular either squint hard or go with a brief decription of how the blocks move or interact or what you have to do to solve it. I often find though that a name I want has already been taken which can be annoying. Without realising at the time at least 3 of mine have the same name as previous levels. I would like to rename them but don't have the power to edit.
lmr 13 years ago
  Names can also be a description of what the level portrays. Or perhaps something to describe the thumbnail you have choosen for it. I had one level which depicted a joke which the name was the punch line! The title of a level is only what you want to imagine it to be. (with the exception of some symbols that mean something to the program that runs the game)
Start the name with a capital letter and go from there!
SimonM 13 years ago
  names come from what to do in levels, what's the level about, where did you get inspiration, etc.
MatthijsM 13 years ago
  I got a question to all designers: How do you get names for levels
Monty 13 years ago
  Good work Rocky but unfortunately completely Impossible. As you have paired the yellows on opposite sides if you bring one yellow into the middle the paired yellow will automatically fly off into space so you can only get 4 yellows into the middle. So you will have to pair them differently or add another yellow or remove a yellow target. This has the makings of a very nice level.

Edit- If you remove the central yellow target it makes for an excellent puzzle
ToughMan 13 years ago
  @Rocky: Lmr is absolutely right. Although you have 8 yellows, effectively there are only 4 as any effort to bring one in will throw out its mate. I would also try a different grouping i.e. 2 consecutive ones and see what happens. Not sure about the outcome but certainly worth the shot. The easy way out is one more yellow.
@Lmr: It is indeed amazing to see so many great new levels after a tiring and exhaustive weekend.... Thanks guys and Ladies!!!
lmr 13 years ago
  R. I couldn't solve it either. I think you either need to add one more yellow block or change one from icy. Don't forget you can edit online after uploading. It will be a good one when you are done.

Everyone! How wonderful to see the spate of new levels today. Keep up the good work. In particular those who are my favourite designers! Thank You.
rocky 13 years ago
  Well, after a brief hiatus, I've decided to get back to level making. Hope to see some great levels waiting for me. :)

Recently, I made a level called Stardust and accidentally uploaded it; my intentions were to make sure if it was possible and then upload it. Can someone test it and make sure it is possible? (The closest I've ever gotten to beating it was one yellow space left.) I'm pretty sure I'm missing something obvious in my own level x). Thank you in advance!

Stardust (BLockoban)
chris3000 13 years ago
  Wow, almost 3500 levels here
lmr 13 years ago
  Nice to see you are back CD and as busy as ever.
austrian 13 years ago
  thanks for the invitation, Mr. Oldmtnguy. Sorry my offense. This was not the intention. It's that I enjoyed seeing the battles between them.
MatthijsM 13 years ago
  you forgot me oldmntnguy. Oké forgot what i just say
oldmtnguy 13 years ago
  Austrian, I beg to differ with you that no duels exist. Apparently you haven't seen the duels that we have going on currently. With the great design skills and playing expertise of such great members as ToughMan, murat, oldmanrob, nelson90, Monty, SimonM, Martin, Mo, lmr and many others that I'm sure I don't have room to mention, the game is as strong as ever. But you do mention some great players who are sorely missed at this time. I'd like to invite you to spend some time back with us and play a little bit more. I'm sure that you would find it enjoyable.
austrian 13 years ago
  In this game no more duels existed, since that pauloalex, boogiebee and cheese9 were alive.
zxzxzzz 13 years ago
  it's the BEST game!
CamoDragoon 13 years ago
  Started Adrenaline series, first two done, unknown when I can get back to do others.

P.S. Asked to be put in BL least unsure, but I may be able to return fulltime eventually.
chris3000 13 years ago
  That's awesome!
SimonM 13 years ago
  That's good!
azz 13 years ago
  Blockoban is suddenly more popular again
Vasilok97 13 years ago
  Lol, in whole history of my levels (it's near 50 units) I never set a category for them. xDDD
Elizea 13 years ago
  Changing rules is a bit trickier than it might seem, as Blockoban aint the only game here, and rules should remain the same between games.
patio09 13 years ago
  Rules may change! I don't mind playing a level called soraiu. I'm also not afraid of insults as this happens everywhere (just check Pajero in Spanish). If this would be used for abuses you could still call for an admin and stop it.
azz 14 years ago
  Wow big comment extravaganza!
Elizea 14 years ago
  Yarr, shouldn't titles tell something about the level? I can't see how a title that is written in Chinese (for example) could tell me anything. Little more problematic is using "names" as titles that don't actually mean anything in English.

About the Romanian kid OMG, I looks like you have done everything you can. You can either rename the titles or something. In the end it shouldn't be your job but helpful admins are always up for some extra work to give some extra levels to players? (:

Btw, I didn't make the rules, I just follow the ancient rules made by JP and Asforien(:
ToughMan 14 years ago
  I totally agree with Murat's view (and of course whoever else shares his opinion). However, I do realize a potential risk in accepting a title from another language that you (i mean the Admins) don't really know. The risk of insulting, provoking, offensive, word abusing, and all those things that might harm ppl and eventually the game itself. The serious problem comes due to the fact that many players are underaged (i.e. 8year olds). Imagine a title like 'All BB players are j..ks' or 'Viva El Presidente' with a political propaganda, but this time the titles not in English (where you could reject the lvl) but in another language that only targeted ppl could understand... Because this community is a social, entertaining one and not a mean to pass (sneakily) wrong, bad messages, and because world is not perfect and for all the above reasons I am gonna have to go along with OMG, JP and Elizea. It has been troubling me as well to find titles but as I always tell my kids 'better have a control of things than run the risk of losing it'. [The laternative is to have ADMINS from all countries of the world, therefore representing all languages and called only for approving level titles and checking whether the names could be acceptable within this community.... I could do Greek]
oldmtnguy 14 years ago
  Please excuse the long message, but there has been some question as to my reasons for marking some levels to be edited because the titles were not in English. I appreciate your comments and I agree with Murat, Simon and the others, that the content is what really matters.
This has come to light because of about eight or nine recently submitted levels from the same designer that apparently does not understand or speak English. I have tried every avenue at my disposal to contact David even with help from oldmanrob who helped me with translations. His profile says that he is from Romania and that he is only eight years old. I have sent messages in is native Romanian, and English in as simple terms as possible. I have received no message in return from him or any response at all.
I do realize that many of us are not bilingual or multilingual, but I feel that the joy of the game can transcend language barriers.
As to the rules about the titles being in English, this is not my call. I am not the designer of the game and these were the instructions that were given to me when I was asked to help administrate.
I am not trying to be the hard guy, just following JP's and Elizea's directions.
For everyone's information, when levels marked to be edited or marked undone,are left untouched for four or more months, I do make the necessary changes and submit them. This is done under the original designer's name and they receive all credit. I feel that all acceptable levels should be enjoyed by everyone. But I will not make changes based solely on my opinion without waiting a sufficient amount of time, as to not stifle the creative brilliance of other designers.
If you have any comments, or any ideas that might help me, please feel free to PM me at any time. I really appreciate all the help and insight that I received from all the members.
lmr 14 years ago
  Though, you can get an idea of the type of level by the thumbnail.
dingdong 14 years ago
  No, the categories only show how hard the level is not what kind of level (it would be a bit complicated if it should).

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Play Game "BLockoban"

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jp 17 years ago
  sound on / off added (burfy's feedback).
16 official levels now. All levels are great. I must say I'm a big fan of Psychotronic's levels (thx Psycho). When a level is "only" accepted, it doesn't mean it will not be official one day, it's just I'm not sure for now.
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