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Topic, Game "BLockoban"

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Treazer 10 years ago
  Only jp can make such special awards for creating levels, official levels and this stuff.
Unfortunately, he's being really inactive at BL, he's focusing on mobile games.
CamoDragoon 10 years ago
  *BUMP* to the question of the designer award. Tbh I think it would definitely be nice--as an avid designer I can tell you that I spend most of my time designing, not playing, levels. Despite the fact that I have a ridiculous number of created levels in this game I think I've completed only around 1400 (this is actually not too many more than the number I've created lol). Any time one spends designing is directly subtracted from time one could've spent playing, yet there are no rewards other than comments and ratings (which, as I always say, are fairly scarce these days) for designers. I think an award for some # of levels accepted would be good, and could possibly encourage more people to design levels.

I don't really care what the award is called. I think naming it after the legendary murat would be a great gesture towards a great player but whether or not we name this award after a famous user is less important to me as it being created.
CamoDragoon 10 years ago
  Haha, thanks a lot OMR. I've been gunning for a certain milestone of mine for the past week or so and I'm glad to hear that the quality of my levels hasn't decreased in proportion to the quantity. The game and the community are both great and I'm glad that I can be of service.
oldmanrob 10 years ago
  Camo, you asked for a feedback. Well, here it is: I love most of your level. They are brillant. They have the beauty of old Greek statues. I don't know how you find new ideas on clssic BB themes. Most of them desereve a 5/5. I can not understand how someone can rate a kids-level 3/5. Kids levels have to be simmple. And it's not that simple to make a simple level, you low-brow! And I think to speak in the name of the whole community when I say thank you so much for all the fun you're giving us with the bunch of levels you made in the last days.

PS Please don't blush. These is a sincerely appreciation and you deserve it.
CamoDragoon 10 years ago
  Incoming levelflood. In addition to the 6 or so that OMG just accepted, I have another 27 in the tubes. Sorry for my sporadic designing everyone. ;)

As always, comments, rates and suggestions appreciated.
oldmanrob 10 years ago
  2499 easy levels for now. So the next one will be 2500. Who will do it?
CamoDragoon 10 years ago
  I agree that Murat has influenced the game a lot, but I won't vote on having a level designer award because I may be a bit biased :P

As far as naming an award after a user I figure it's ok provided that the user is notorious for what the award is earned for. For example, Murat is known for making insanely difficult levels (usually), so an award named after him would make more sense if it was something like "make 100 hard levels". Not that I think that "make 100 hard levels" is a particularly good award.
ToughMan 10 years ago
  Indeed GIS. This is why the award may/should/could be applicable only to BB like the rest of them.
gameinsky 10 years ago
  You forget on thing toughman, that only accounts for blockoban, not for the rest of BL.
ToughMan 10 years ago
  In my opinion GIS, this is more a community rather than an impersonal game played by individuals. In that sense I wouldn't mind honouring people who have contributed a lot in its development. I agree that there are many of them and possibly all deserve the same honour (this can actually become a debate in this friendly forum). Murat has a unique quality in all his levels.

But even in games there are trophies named after people who have contributed significantly in the development of a game, ie Lombardi Trophy (american football), Jules Rimet (soccer), Roberto Clemente (baseball), Davis Cup (tennis), Joe Dumars (basketball), etc.

All in all, I agree with Lmr and vote for a Murat Community Shield Designers award....or MY600.

P.S. His levels still represent around 10% of the total levels which standalone is a major achievement.
gameinsky 10 years ago
  Wouldn't say it's a good idea to name an award to someone.

Also the fact that murat is only halfway the amount of levels that certain people have created.
lmr 10 years ago
  Wondering if perhaps a new award could be considered. Not based on levels solved but on levels created and accepted.
It could be called the Murat Award.
Jos 10 years ago
  Thanks Treazer. Well, I'm semi-back. I'm not going to play as much as before. Let's first try to get back up to date in BB.
Treazer 10 years ago
  Congratulations for completing 5000 levels, Jos! That's a big achievement! :) And you seem to be back to BL? :D
Elizea 10 years ago
  Don't copy levels from cubeoban here. Just create your own puzzles (:
CubixIII 10 years ago
  Would it be copyright infringement to put a series of levels here based on Cubeoban's levels?
SuperMario 10 years ago
  M.Y. stands for Murat Yagan and the number stands for how many levels he has made.
CubixIII 10 years ago
  what is the M.Y. series and what does it mean? and why does it start at 568?
CamoDragoon 10 years ago
  Sorry I've been gone for so long guys, nice to see BB is still active and the new achievement's been added. I've still got a long way to go at around 1250 levels completed. :)

Lol, just realized that the amount of levels I've created is approaching the number of accepted levels I've completed :P
dingdong 10 years ago
  Evaluated levels enter constests too. Mostly actually. There is a rule obaout evaluation in contests. But that rule refers to levels evaluated before the start of the contest. Which is before now.

Anyway - great to see enthusiasm for the contests.
kalina200 10 years ago
  Do not evaluate this lvl Summer Sun (BLockoban) because its for the
SuperMario 10 years ago
  I completely forgot about this game.
SimonM 10 years ago
  I'll try to. :)
lmr 10 years ago
  I wish some of you great designers would create a few new levels!
lmr 10 years ago
  That equals a victory. Can you subtract from your score,after dividing your time amongst other levels, adding to and multiplying your satisfaction? A number cubed. 4
CubixIII 10 years ago
  So so glad I finally got past "Math"!

And I'm good at math! Yet that level took forever!!!
Treazer 10 years ago
  Great to see a new award and glad that it's my image, although he slightly edited it, probably because the colors were not distinct enough. :)
Though I wonder where he's got the picture from... lol :p

lmr 10 years ago
  jp Thanks for the new achievement award. And thank you for its name. Also, thanks to all the players/designers that contributed to this being possible
gundu 10 years ago
  Well... I'm only halfway there D:
SimonM 10 years ago
  Nice to see there is a new achievement.

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jp 17 years ago
  sound on / off added (burfy's feedback).
16 official levels now. All levels are great. I must say I'm a big fan of Psychotronic's levels (thx Psycho). When a level is "only" accepted, it doesn't mean it will not be official one day, it's just I'm not sure for now.
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