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Topic, Game "BLockoban"

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manufan 13 years ago
  Maybe pour water over it! xD

Good Luck Camo, hope it crashes. ;)
chris3000 13 years ago
  @Camo: that firewall must be destroyed, :)
AK 13 years ago
  Dang, Camo. Hope it falls down soon :P
gameinsky 13 years ago
  What's so bad about a site called bonuslevel?
that's just sad D:
CamoDragoon 13 years ago
  Okay, notification for everyone: I will almost never be on BL anymore. We now have a specific firewall at our house that blocks any site with bonuslevel in the title (i.e. although isn't this site, it's blocked too).
I can only play at friends' or cousins' houses rarely for about 5 minuters a month, if you still have links to the chatium chat page I have that and will try to be on that frequently.
chris3000 13 years ago
  Congratz OMR and AK, :)

edit- and jasper too
AK 13 years ago
  1255, but going for 1500 :D

EDIT: Beat Gundu in the officials. Going for the top 50 now :D
oldmanrob 13 years ago
  Completed 4444. :)
jasperpostema 13 years ago
  600 levels completed :)
ToughMan 13 years ago
  Happy new year to all of you guys and your families. May the 2012 bring you happiness, health, presents and lots of inspiration to create and solve another 5000 lvls. One thing is certain. 2012 will bring more experience to all new and old members of our lovely community. Special thanks to our admins, jp and murat. Last but not least to my dearest OMG whom i consider a special friend not only to myself but to all of us. Keep up the excellent work guys.
sycoraximperator 13 years ago
  Greetings from Norway: Happy new year to everyone.
I have 1498 lvls left. 1700 levels or more were solved within the 3.5 last months.... Puhh! BEST GAME EVER!!!
Jos 13 years ago
  A happy 2012 to everyone!


To complete more levels: don't be deterred by murat levels. They look very, very... hard, but if you try to complete them, they're very funny (and exausting). If you can't complete a level after trying: stop for a while, complete other levels and try later.

To create such a levels: start with a concept, a level with random possibilities for moves, test till you can't anymore, next day again, make it more difficult, test again and maybe you'll have a grazy difficult level. (that's the way I do it) I hope it can helps you.

btw: I'm honnored to see my name, there in your message, next to TM and murat.
manufan 13 years ago
  Here is a little something I wrote for everyone:

As we lose the grip of our "old friend" 2011, we shake hands with a newfound friend, 2012. The friendship will last 366 days until 2013 comes into the equation.

I hope you all have a happy new year, and who's counting down?
chris3000 13 years ago
  I want to wish everyone here to have a early happy new year, 2012. But I would like to say something. I have too many medium and hard levels left. Most being murat's and toughman's levels. As of today i've solved 4050 levels and I don't know if I can do the rest. I only have 15 easy levels left so I've basically done all the easy ones, xD. I really need some help.

And of all the levels that I have created, only 4 of them have been in the hard category. I've tried many times to make hard levels like Jos, murat, TM, etc, but I haven't succeeded yet. So, can you guys work with me. Sorry for the long message but I had to say this. Plus, I started college a week ago which will slow my Blockoban time down.

P.S.- 1003 levels left to solve

Jos 13 years ago
  Make alot of good levels and always doublecheck if they're possible (complete them before uploading, no more goals than blocks...). That are all the hints I can give you.
jasperpostema 13 years ago
  Also one of my goals, but yeah, I really don't have to.
manufan 13 years ago
  You're welcome. I just wish I could be as good as you, and trusted like you...

It's one of my goals, so I'll start working on it! :)
Jos 13 years ago
  Thanks, manufan.
manufan 13 years ago
  Congratz Jos!
Jos 13 years ago
  Completed all easy levels!
manufan 13 years ago
  Congratz Pof!
MatthijsM 13 years ago
  congrzz pof
chris3000 13 years ago
  I need to do 10 more levels. Then I would have solved 4000 levels.
Pof 13 years ago
  I achieved the 500 levels award :)
I can stop geeking and start spending time on my homework :D
manufan 13 years ago
  Right OMG. Thanks for letting me know! :)
Aowyn 13 years ago
  I absolutely agree with you: I have only designed five levels, and most of you have designed many great levels... but thank you anyway :-D

By the way, I´m a girl
dingdong 13 years ago
  Congratulations Aowyn!
oldmtnguy 13 years ago
  You are exactly right Simon. These are great ratings and congratulations to you Aowyn because this shows great ability and quality work. However this is only for five levels. That is the number of accepted levels required to be included on the designers list. I hope to see many more great levels from you.
@Manufan High ratings are not necessary to get yourself trusted. It is the volume of quality levels that you have produced not the rating. And if you have proven yourself to be mature enough to have control over editing your own levels that have already been put into the game. Being trusted means that if there is a small error in the title, thumbnail or level, then you will have access to fix it without an administrator having to do that. If changes are made that affect the scores, then an administrator needs to be notified so that the scores that can no longer be achieved will be reset. That is what being trusted is all about.
SimonM 13 years ago
  WOW, congratulations Aowyn, you can get super high, because you've only a few levels. If you've more then 200 levels, your average won't rise that fast. xD
manufan 13 years ago
  Congratulations Aowyn! I think if that's the case, OMG should make her trusted...

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Play Game "BLockoban"

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jp 17 years ago
  sound on / off added (burfy's feedback).
16 official levels now. All levels are great. I must say I'm a big fan of Psychotronic's levels (thx Psycho). When a level is "only" accepted, it doesn't mean it will not be official one day, it's just I'm not sure for now.
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