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Topic, Game "BLockoban"

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Elizea 14 years ago
  I guess the order is completely random, as long as the scores were submitted the same day.
ToughMan 14 years ago
  @jp or any admin (TRIVIAL): I always wondered how tie breaker between same scores is performed on each scoreboard. At first I thought it was alphabetiacally, then I thought it was random and then I thought it was first in top of the list but I have noticed lately that in cases I have played a lvl very few times my score is on top of the corresponding ranking whereas in lvls like this one which i tried zillions of times to reach OMG's score my score is below OMG (in both cases another player had the score on board prior to my efforts). Is my understanding correct or is it random and i am losing time here.
Ferrari12 14 years ago
  Mine got blue, I just discovered now, I think yours'll be too. The name of mine is Moving Around.
Money666 14 years ago
  I did use 112 moves to finish my level a really epic score. I hope also that yours will be blue. I suck to this game but it is one of the best.
Ferrari12 14 years ago
  I've made my first just a couple of hours ago.
Money666 14 years ago
  I have finish my first Blockoban level. I hope that it is challenge to complet it. It is possible and maybe another killer level for cris1
chris3000 14 years ago
  You guys are trying to kill me with the hard levels. I can't do but so much. i think it's mostly murat, TM, and OMG's lvls that are the problem. They seem confusing at first.

Ok, i beat murat's adaptable box lvl. I don't know about the rest of them.
lmr 14 years ago
  I love you guys. Thank-you.
oldmtnguy 14 years ago
  Hey LMR
Glad that you're back. I was just getting ready to post a request here for one of our super technology wizards to see if they could give a hand. You can't count on me computer guru wise, but there are a lot of brilliant members out there. And I'm sure they'd be happy to help if you or anyone else encounters this type of problem again. Or any other type for that matter. Don't worry about sounding rude because you weren't. We all get dang upset at times with this game. Sometimes not being able to play and sometimes just playing certain levels. Looking forward to future challenges and submissions from you. Hang in there! And Welcome Home.
ToughMan 14 years ago
  It must be one of your talents LMR. That was some really strong (the least I can think of) language but you managed to be very charming throughout the msg and in the end you just became a sweetheart. For what is worth i really didn't mind and was probably smt you needed to get out of ur system. I am happy you got the appropriate assistance and sad I couldn't be much of a help. Pleased to see you back and hope u keep making your great creations. 5/5 for coming back in such a good mood...hehe
lmr 14 years ago
  I was able to get help through contact on the bottom of the page.I'm back. Sorry for allowing my frustration make me sound so rude.
chris3000 14 years ago
  This game is getting harder for me beacuse i've done most of the kids, easy, and medium levels. I have a bunch of mediums and hards left to solve.
lmr 14 years ago
  I am a cmputer illerterate. I do not log in to anything. But I chose to log in to BB in July. Some a@#$$= has chosen to ruin this for me. For the last three days I have not been able to access the game. Every thing else on my computer works. I have tested and restored to the best of my advice and ability. I can not afford to pay some tech guy to fix whatever a!@##$ did. I hope all you good people have better protection and karma. I hope that karma bites his a-!@@#$%. I also wish that the 400lb .black bear that likes to sleep on my front porch at this time of year could get a!@@##$
SimonM you have made so many great levels. Gundu starting from your age...mavin. Pauloalex,I know you have not always liked my levels, and I have had difficulties with yours, we operate on different brainwaves, but I love the challenge. Toughman, there are no words for you, the best!. Omg,hope a pm will go through, it will take a novel to describe how wonderful you are.
I don't know what else I can do. I feel like part of my life has been taken away. and I really hope to someday find a way to fix what some person( i am trying very hard not to be rude) screw=d.
rocky 14 years ago

No offense, pauioalex, I bet in real life you are a very kind person.

I hope.
gundu 14 years ago
  Yeah you're right xD

Pauio's one is smaller, He failed... xD
Ahroo 14 years ago
  The first person they copied was GIS... xD

Oh, and you can see a small difference in Paulo's and Pauio's avatars... :p
gundu 14 years ago
  Well, I though the first person they would copying would be me xP
Ahroo 14 years ago
  Damn, people are gonna start copying ME soon enough! D8
rocky 14 years ago
  Besides, the real PA uses proper grammar...
gundu 14 years ago
  Who are you to imitate the real Pauloalex?

I'm not falling in your trap PauIoalex...

I see you have an "i" instead of a "l"
pauIoalex 14 years ago
  great game!
chris3000 14 years ago
  damn, i wish i had a more powerful brain for these hard levels
pauloalex 14 years ago
  Thanks folks. I'm honored to be recognized by you, especially TM and OMG.
OMG, every time I need my humble help, will be honored to help.
TM, without you and your levels, this game would be boring. Thank you for the challenges.
gamelover101 14 years ago
  dyuohavapotdag? WTF
flowerbunny 14 years ago
  i like you omg
chris3000 14 years ago
  the levels that keep giving me difficulty are ice skating, quadruple transfer, and archery. oh, and definiately cross spiral
ToughMan 14 years ago
  You deserve a separate MSG. THANK YOU!!! I don't understand how i missed ya but yes, you are among the best. I am ashamed.
gundu 14 years ago
  Where is my name? :O (joke xD)

This is the ONLY game topic where there's long messages like this to thanks peoples :O

We really should take example on all of you
ToughMan 14 years ago
  Thank you my friend for the appreciation. LIKEWISE. I believe you (along of course with PA, M, El, J, Mo, N90, OMR,...etc apologize for not being exhaustive) have brought PEACE and intelligence to the game and you are always keen to provide assistance to everyone. As for the quality of the game I have to say the new designs (by Simon, LMR, MX, DP) are outstanding and all these players/creators are producing great new concepts and infinite entertainment. Special thanks to all of you guys. Without you guys there wouldn't be BB and I wouldn't have the chance to comment on the lvls. I do apologize for being tough at times ( can a TM not be Tough, right?...hehe) but my intentions are always good and my comments aim towards improving the game.

Seee i forgot Martin, Jos, Patio, GIS!!!...i never shoulda started naming:-(. Sorry.
oldmtnguy 14 years ago
  I agree with you TM. PA has been a wonderful help to me both as a player and an administrator, and has a great dedication to the purity of the games. His tireless effort is really appreciated.
It takes an entire community working together to provide the great entertainment that we find here. And thanks to you also my friend. I can't imagine the game without your ingenious and challenging levels, constant support of me and the new players and designers and your helpful and realistic comments, [although sometimes TOUGH] hehe!! to help improve the quality of the levels and the game.

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Play Game "BLockoban"

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jp 17 years ago
  sound on / off added (burfy's feedback).
16 official levels now. All levels are great. I must say I'm a big fan of Psychotronic's levels (thx Psycho). When a level is "only" accepted, it doesn't mean it will not be official one day, it's just I'm not sure for now.
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