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Topic, Game "BLockoban"

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chris3000 14 years ago
  Maybe i can get 2000 lvls solved before the new year.
oldmtnguy 14 years ago
  Hey Roland! Congratulations on becoming the most recent Blockoban addict!!!
SimonM 14 years ago
  I remember him, he was a great person!
pauloalex 14 years ago
  I miss boogiebee! He was a great player. Does anyone here remember him? I think not. Now we have a new generation here.
CamoDragoon 14 years ago
  Murat's levels could just go in a challenge category along with other really hard levels (if any). @PA don't leave, IMO part of the problem these days is Murat is making many of the new coming-in levels (not saying he should stop), and there's not enough others levels coming to keep you/others occupied. I wish I could provide, I could send you all my levels, but straight away it eould add 1/4 of the total BB levels, if not more. I wish I cold play BL!

P.s. I have a Mac, to take pics of my local saved levels, how do I do it? (step by step please)
You can pm or post, doesn't matter.
chris3000 14 years ago
  Yes I also think murat's levels are getting a bit boring, IMO. He shouldn't make them so hard. And I hope PA will stay.
gameinsky 14 years ago
  They are rated pretty good for "more than boring" levels...
on the other side, you have a different opinion, you don't like them, but others do.
SimonM 14 years ago
  His levels are pieces of art, but only a few people can solve them.
magnacumlaud 14 years ago
  Murat's levels r only created to solve by himself, they r more than boring, again and again the same. why did u accept them???
SimonM 14 years ago
  Pauloalex, only 60 levels left is very good!
and 29 years old isn't old!
chris3000 14 years ago
  But will you still make levels for us?
pauloalex 14 years ago
  I'm out of time and patience with these levels. Of the remaining 60 levels, 50 are created by Murat. Nothing against it, but Murat levels are currently very boring. I think it's time for old pauloalex to retire.
magnacumlaud 14 years ago
  don't hate u chris. u r making good work, nice levels to solve. i've never created a level. but please, speak more about subjects. i'm not able to solve all levels too. u r level 52, i am 21!
Ferrari12 14 years ago
  I don't think anybody hates you Chris. Nobody calls you a crybaby either. What I said was that you should stop before people will. I'm glad you'e being more positive now :)
chris3000 14 years ago
  I can't believe we're arguing over nothing. I'm sure i'm not the only one who grips a lot. @lmr: you're right, i just wanted to solve all levels like murat did, he's a super genius, xP.
lmr 14 years ago
  I made a couple of levels. I tried something that didn't quite work. I was able to find out how to get a co-editor who was able to help me through my difficulties, thus teaching me. In my (lowly) opinion, it is not the credit, it is not the difficulty. It is the quality and the fun of the game.
Remember! this is a game.
Chris you are not having negative comments thrown at you, you are inviting them. As a very immature young man you have found complaining to be the the thing in your life. It doesn't work in the real world. Accept that ppl will befriend/help you because they want to not because you cry for it. Recognize and use your strengths to grow. whatever your background and upbringing ultimately it is only you who can be you and live as you. And you hve created some good levels, you have solved a heck of a lot of them, feel proud.
chris3000 14 years ago
  I'm having a blast here, but it's not fun when people throw negative comments at me, and call me a crybaby. I hope things change this new year.
CamoDragoon 14 years ago
  This is getting all too dramatic IMO. I don't know what you said, @chris, but whatever the matter, nobody ought to be whining but those with downrated levels for no reason or those hacked. I can hardly play BL at all anymore, and it's horrible. I assume this is what it's like when you quit long-time smoking.
Have fun while your here, and about weirdness, well, you make a level for others to solve, it's your own unique thought-out puzzle. It seems like it would be battling over what the level should be like. It's different with JG2; you can make separate areas for each. This is like trying to draw one picture with more than one person. It would just just come out a bit "off the mark". I've never tried it tho, that's just my first impression of doing a BB collab. If it's alright, I could do one then, although if you sign up with me, expect commenting 1-2 days apart and me editing once or twice a week on BL as a WHOLE.
I haven't even finished my 1st RT level yet. :/

P.S. Keep up the good level work guys, hope you all can keep BL and BB active w/o my help. :|
chris3000 14 years ago
  i know you and OMG don't but i don't know about the rest, since i've caused so much trouble here

I deleted 7 of my complaining messages, I feel better now. And I hope you will too.
SimonM 14 years ago
  Chris, I don't hate you and I would like to do a collab level with you.
chris3000 14 years ago
  You guys and ferrari probably hate me now, especially after all the complaining that i've done. And all the chaos that i've caused. I should have kept my mouth shut.
SimonM 14 years ago
  I know you can have multiple co editors, and you can see them when you click on the more tab in levels
oldmtnguy 14 years ago
  Yes Simon there have been a lot of levels with co editors. And you can have any number of co editors. I have done this on a number of levels. The reason you can't identify them is because the co editor does not show up on the finished submission. Only the original designer gets any credit or experience points for the work.
chris3000 14 years ago
  that's ok ferrari but that was kinda harsh though, i'll stop complaining but you guys have to listen to me

no hard feelings?
SimonM 14 years ago
  Has there been an blockoban collaboration level yet?
I mean a level with an co editor.
Ferrari12 14 years ago
  Stop crying before everybody will call you a crybaby. I do think collabs are nice though, but there's not a day without you complaining aboout something. It would've been much better for all of us if you stop it. Seriously. And please don't cry 'cause of this comment. No offence.
magnacumlaud 14 years ago
  oh, chris u have really a problem

do not always cry, please
oldmtnguy 14 years ago
  Hey everybody, there's nothing wrong or odd about shared editorship. I've done it quite a few times myself with other members. All it does is allow another member or friend to help, comment and share ideas on your level before it is submitted as a finished product. In many cases shared ideas can lead to much better and more challenging levels. Just remember that no matter how many people contribute or help, the credit for the level goes to the original designer.
chris3000 14 years ago
  I've noticed about 30 of my levels having a 2.5 rating. Well i've tried until I can do no more. That's why I asked OMG if I could add editors or not. I've provided you with nice entertaining levels and if you can't accept it, then I can't either.
chris3000 14 years ago
  @CD: what would be so odd about it?

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jp 17 years ago
  sound on / off added (burfy's feedback).
16 official levels now. All levels are great. I must say I'm a big fan of Psychotronic's levels (thx Psycho). When a level is "only" accepted, it doesn't mean it will not be official one day, it's just I'm not sure for now.
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