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Topic, Game "BLockoban"

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Garygoh884 13 years ago
  I played the iPod version of this game but it crashed.
Sillius 13 years ago
  See this is where I think you're wrong :D
1/5: Maybe this shouldn't even have been accepted in the first place, contains many major flaws.
2/5: No reason to reject, but unpolished and lacks design/a fun gameplay
3/5: Good level, but with some minor flaws in design and/or gameplay.
4/5: Excellent level, no obvious flaws and an overall enjoyable level.
5/5 For the perfect level (this is a rating you shouldn't just give any "good" level)

If everyone were rating like this, we would see a larger gap between the "really good/"legendary"" designers and the newcommers who just release their first level. It would also help making level creation a bit more competitive :)
Ferrari12 13 years ago
  1/5: Level with inappropriate content, should've been re-designed. I've only rated this once or twice.
2/5: Shouldn't have been accepted, many major flaws. Only rated a few times.
3/5: No reason to reject, but might be unpolished, with some major flaws, annoying gameplay, ver poor design etc
4/5: Good level, but with some minor flaws in design and/or gameplay.
5/5: Excellent level, no obvious flaws and an overall enjoyable level.
gameinsky 13 years ago
  1/5 I never rate levels that much
2/5 I never rate levels that much
3/5 shouldn't really have been accepted, it's not too bad, but honestly not very good neither.
4/5 A good level with a not so fresh concept, or simply a level with one or 2 flaws.
5/5 very fun levels with usually originality and nice design.
SimonM 13 years ago
  I think it's sort of speak, 'over nine thousand'
PineappleDude 13 years ago
  Maybe he means every game?
lmr 13 years ago
  How can you have 9000 levels to solve when there only a little over 4100 of this game?
Garygoh884 13 years ago
  I still had more than nine thousand more levels to complete. I was off to play LoL but my local server was down for two days. That would earn me about seven hundred experience points.
PineappleDude 13 years ago
  Great! I have the game for my ipod touch and I can't wait :)
jp 13 years ago
  You should also vote in the shoes of the audience a level is intended to. For example, on a kids or easy level, you will not rate 1/5 because it's too easy for you.
I also think a level shouldn't be under rated if it's similar (so not exactly the same) to another level we've already seen.

FYI I'm updating the iPhone/iPad version of Blockoban with the 1800 new levels that have been done since lat update! This will be 4050 hand made levels on the iOS version.
oldmanrob 13 years ago
  I vote every level I solve. It's a good thing to do for exp points. :D

4 for good levels. 5 for very good levels 3 for not so good levels. never 2 or 1.
oldmtnguy 13 years ago
  1-If a level deserves a one I would reject it.
2-Reserved for levels in existence that I might have rejected, or really dislike.
3-An acceptable level with some flaws. Usually marked to be edited
4-A good level with nice design and or cool tricks.[not necessarily perfect]
5-A good or very good level that I really enjoy solving. [also doesn't need to be perfect]
@ Chris
Just to set the record straight, I was not mad at you, or upset about your rating number. I only asked for your reasoning for the rating because all the others had rated higher. I was upset because the only criteria you used to rate the level was that somebody told you you should rate lower. I never questioned the rating number, I just asked for your reasons to rate it lower. As designers we all want to know what others enjoy in the game. And ratings and comments are the only feedback that we can have. There is no reason to leave nasty comments, but constructive criticism and positive feedback is always appreciated.
birjolaxew 13 years ago
  1 - Didn't enjoy playing
2 - Wouldn't play again (obviously useless in BB)
3 - Normal
4 - Good
5 -Amazing
CamoDragoon 13 years ago
  1-almost useless.
2-Realy terrible.
3-Not very good, several major bad points
4-Okay-->not bad
Elizea 13 years ago
  1 is quite much useless.
I use 2 for levels I wouldn't accept.
3 is for level I don't find enjoyable, but there is still no reasons to reject it.
4 is my normal rating.
And of course 5 when I am amazed by a level (but it doesn't have to be perfect).

Rating everything 1-2(-3) is not the best option btw, you might be mixed up with unfair raters and get limited.
SimonM 13 years ago
  i mostly rate 3-4-5/5 otherwise the level isn't worthy to be accepted.
chris3000 13 years ago
  Well I hope this gets settled soon.
birjolaxew 13 years ago
  Ha, a level has to be good for me to give 4/5. I usually rate 2-3/5. Then again, I don't play much here.
chris3000 13 years ago
  Wow, some of you guys really react to low ratings. When I rated one of OMG's levels 4/5, he got upset about it. I think it's best if I just quit rating. Maybe you'll understand someday.
Money666 13 years ago
  I have to say that most of my levels here i make, can i not finish. So I dont know when I make levels if they are possible.
chris3000 13 years ago
  I finally made it to 3000. But I still got a good ways to go. I have a whole bunch of murat's,TM's and Camo's levels. I'll try to beat them all. I'll be blessed if I can beat 4000 levels.
javier 13 years ago
  2000/3455 set page to you.
chris3000 13 years ago
  Congratz on 4000 levels.
CamoDragoon 13 years ago
  Congratz, I'm getting closer to 800 levels. :P

I stand at 415 levels created atm. :)

Just discovered, each time you re-rate a level your rating impact goes down by .0001 (per re-rate). (I already knew about 4.999/5 thing).
CamoDragoon 13 years ago
  I don't know whether I should congratulate dcoco on becoming a BB addict, because in health class they said addiction was a bad thing....... :P
I don't want chris's P4M "Cheater!" celebration all over again. XD

.....Anyways! Congratulations dcoco! :)
dingdong 13 years ago
  Thats were he is.
The problem is that the list only shows 100 levels, and murat made over 300.
PineappleDude 13 years ago
  @meatydino: play one of their levels. Then click on the more tab next to the scores tab. Then a list will come up :)
Monty 13 years ago
  I've not played for a while now. Glad to hear you're back to good health OMG.
chris3000 13 years ago
  My main goal is to finish all officials. Then work on the other levels later.
MeatyDino246 13 years ago
  OK but is there a way to find his other levels?

P.S. Thank you Simon!

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Play Game "BLockoban"

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jp 16 years ago
  sound on / off added (burfy's feedback).
16 official levels now. All levels are great. I must say I'm a big fan of Psychotronic's levels (thx Psycho). When a level is "only" accepted, it doesn't mean it will not be official one day, it's just I'm not sure for now.
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