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Topic, Game "BLockoban"

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oldmtnguy 9 years ago
  Thanks to Elizea for evaluating levels while I was away. Back now and ready to go.
manufan 9 years ago
  Thanks once again Elizea for evaluating our levels! :D
manufan 9 years ago
  The worst rating I give is a 3/5, when the level has truly annoyed me, purely for its lack of creativity and thought. In this game I have only given 5/5 ratings, purely to acknowledge the designers for making it fun for me to solve their levels, as they have been doing with me. However, I tend not to rate levels I can't solve, as I think it would be unfair, although I probably should just rate for the thought and creativity nonetheless.

Also, as far as level making is concerned, I think the levels should be evaluated by someone every week, whether it be Elizea or another admin, or even a new admin, otherwise the community grinds to a halt.
Treazer 9 years ago
  I thought the same, Gis. Either upvote someone or don't vote at all.
gameinsky 9 years ago
  Then perhaps remove the negativity altogether and only allow people to upvote others?
AK 9 years ago
  If that is so, then a rating system will be much, much worse. There will be nothing stopping someone from rating everyone they hate 1/5, or even every person they see 1/5. The impact of that will be far worse than a -1 rep. If a person has 10 people give them 5/5 and one gives 1/5, then their 5/5 will be forever ruined by that one person, whereas a -1 rep will be easily contradicted by future +1 reps given by fair people. It is the same with levels; we have seen many people spam 1/5 ratings that destroyed levels that deserve nothing but 4s and 5s, and this would happen with people as well.

Even worse is the concept of "rating" an actual person. Rating a level isn't too difficult because everything is directly in front of us for all to see. Originality, design, organization, etc. How would you rate a person? There are so many factors that make us each what we are, and for someone who doesn't even know us to drop all factors and take instead what they see on a computer screen just seems horrible. Therefore, I would support a reputation system, but reject a rating system.
gameinsky 9 years ago
  A reputation system sounds nice but doesn't really work. People will start using it as a revenge and/or will ask other people to trade reputation...
AK 9 years ago
  I would actually suggest something more like Stack Overflow, where users receive reputation. In this case, you could +1 any comment in a level or forum, and the user would receive reputation for that comment. Inversely, you could -1 someone's comment, and it would decrease their reputation. Then we could have a filter like MapleStory, where you can give only +1 or -1 rep a day, and only change the same person's reputation once a month (so you can't spam -1s or +1s on the same person every day).

Should we create a forum for this?
gameinsky 9 years ago
  That sounds like a neat suggestion, but I doubt JP is willing to put the effort to implement it.
ToughMan 9 years ago
  I have a new suggestion to put on the table of discussion. How about adding a rating system (always positive) to members/players of this community. Instead of just having ratings only to designers we could also rate (and thus acknowledge their contribution) players as well. The idea came from OMR's new highscore at the 'Default Male Avatar' level. I really wanted to vote for OMR for giving this new challenge to everyone. I haven't thought of the exact rating system yet, that is if it should be the same 5star or something else but my intention is first to test the waters and then formalize a clear proposal.
manufan 9 years ago
  Completed half the officials, but Andy's levels are still frustrating me! :/
AK 9 years ago
  I find it really interesting that for the first 100 officials, only Aowyn has highscores that aren't shared by any other player...
manufan 9 years ago
  Thx for accepting my levels Elizea! :)
Elizea 9 years ago
  Oh wow, I have no idea how I managed to completely ignore your message. Sorry for that!
CamoDragoon 9 years ago
  Admins, get I get some levels accepted? Respectfully, I've PM'ed EL and it's been about a month since the last ones were accepted.
oldmanrob 9 years ago
  congrats to netolaneta for his first blockoban award. go on hombre!
ToughMan 9 years ago
  Not a race Chris (for others to watch out) but congrats on your achievement! Keep it up!
chris3000 9 years ago
  Hey watch out guys. I've solved a bunch of levels the past 2 weeks.

My goal is to hopefully solve 6000 before the year ends, but we'll see.
CamoDragoon 9 years ago
  Thanks EL. I was genuinely curious, I hope it didn't come across as needy :)
oldmanrob 9 years ago
  many thanks to camo and ace for creating and to elizea for evaluating all the new levles. most of very fun to play. :)
Elizea 9 years ago
  In any game where I am admin, you can message me if levels have been left unevaluated for longer periods of time and I'll check them. While not actively evaluating levels for any game, I'm fine with occasionally doing it.
CamoDragoon 9 years ago
  Admins would you prefer if people sent a PM or posted here about levels? I've had some waiting for 11 days now...
SimonM 9 years ago
  Officials register all scores, but non-officials do only the 100 best scores. But there is a 'bug', that if you put them in a pack, it will register anyway if I recall correctly.
CamoDragoon 9 years ago
  @AK, I think it only shows the lowest 100, but it saves whatever score you get.

EDIT: Yeah, this is the case. I don't have a score for Open The Road (BLockoban) but it still registers as completed with a score of 3 in my officals.

EDIT2: Oh, nvm, just read DD's thing. I'll do a quick test to see if things register as being completed.

EDIT3: Profile page is updating a little slowly. I'll test later once I know what the update delay is so I can tell whether levels register as complete. I guess another way is to check if they still show up in your unplayed list.
AK 9 years ago
  Well dang! That means it's no longer possible to beat all of the levels. D:
dingdong 9 years ago
  Are we talking non-officials? If so, then it is because the game only saves the 100 lowest scores. It has been a minor problem for a long time.
AK 9 years ago
  It seems some of the old levels won't save new scores... Is there anything we can do about that?
CamoDragoon 9 years ago
  @AK, always better to opt on the harder side rather than the easier side IMO. I think the number of people that would be frustrated by finding a very challenging level placed in a low category is greater than the number that would be frustrated by finding a less challenging level in a high category.
AK 9 years ago
  Every time I make a "Hard" level, it seems to become an "Easy" or "Medium" level... ;-;
chris3000 9 years ago
  Wow, great job dingdong. I need to get the award too.

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Play Game "BLockoban"

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jp 17 years ago
  sound on / off added (burfy's feedback).
16 official levels now. All levels are great. I must say I'm a big fan of Psychotronic's levels (thx Psycho). When a level is "only" accepted, it doesn't mean it will not be official one day, it's just I'm not sure for now.
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