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Topic, Game "BLockoban"

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Treazer 6 years ago
  It's okay to leave levels out and not bother with them anymore. Oftentimes, if you try months later again you will get to the solution fairly quick even if you tried solving the level dozens of times before.

However, very difficult levels should be a part of the game just as the easier ones should. New players have lots of kids and easy levels to choose from and considering the amount of nearly 10k levels overall, people should not be scared to play the game I think.

I don't know how active people are in the comments here when asking for help, but I've seen people help you in the chat before. Unfortunately, I am not very good at BB, so most of the times I won't be a big help for you, but I will try my best.
chris3000 6 years ago
  Ok, I want to be honest, you guys really should test your levels before submitting them. Just thankfully I solved every kids level there is, and I only have 4 easy left, then I only have medium/hard levels left. There are probably 600-700 levels to where only 4-5 people and sometimes less have solved, that's ridiculous. I like mixed qualities of levels, but try not to make levels too difficult b/c then new players/kids will be scared to play the game.

I don't there's probably been about 1000 levels to where I've played them like 50-100 times and still no luck. It's really no point in asking for hints, but some tips/advice would be helpful. Would copying the lvl in the editor be a solution, I would make a border around the lvl, and just do trial/error.

Well there's about 700-800 levels that I'm going to leave out and not bother with, and that's mainly the hard levels.
chris3000 6 years ago
  I've got a little over 200 left to solve before I hit the 8000 mark, wish me luck.
sycoraximperator 6 years ago
  1414 levels left to solve.
oldmanrob 6 years ago
  Maybe you have noted that there is nowhere a Bob Dylan X(Self Portrait) and Bob Dylan XX (Saved). Two albums I really dislike (understatement). And Bob Dylan XXXIV is (of course) a Christmas level. Terrible like the other two but at Christms I will try to be a good boy.
Treazer 6 years ago
  Don't worry it's all good, chris. This website is for people to have fun and when it stresses you too much, it's the best to take the break. Enjoy life the way you want to enjoy it. :)
chris3000 6 years ago
  Look, I really don't want to do this anymore, I'm just too stressed and pressured with my health issues, and my family's health issues. We don't get out much, we're sick and have genetic mutations, (i'll explain in chatroom). But we can only tolerate about 9 or 10 foods. So, I'm only going to play any new lvls and try to finish what I haven't solved. Theres too many lvls to try to improve my score on, and I feel overwhelmed about it. So, I'm only playing this maybe twice a week, I'll still create lvls for you guys to play. Plus we stay at home half the time, I like to go back to getting out more and explore the world and enjoy life like I should.

Anyways, Thanks.
sycoraximperator 6 years ago
  Hey Greyanna! Can you make pack of your levels?
SimonM 6 years ago
  @OMR there do exist flash to html converters, however for games they tend to not work properly. They are mainly meant for transforming flash animations. And besides, most projects and programs are abandoned by their makers.
oldmanrob 6 years ago
  I'm a noob (even less than that) in IT. So i ask a probabely stupid question. Isn't there any project to create a "translation-programm" that can rewrite the flash into the new language?
bonusbonus 6 years ago
  @gameinsky I know, it implies too much effort. But I think the BonusLevel project is interesting. How about promoting it so other people can join? Or something like that. This way, remaking it would be more worth the trouble. In any case, BonusLevel is still an enjoyable website, no matter the language it is written on.
Coolguy52 6 years ago
  I use internet explorer anyway for flash xD
gameinsky 6 years ago
  Because it takes a tremendous amount effort to rewrite every game to another language. There are 12 games on this and they would all need to be rewritten. I don't think JP really cares too much about this site anymore (last visit 5 months ago says enough) and the amount of people still on this site are simply not worth rewriting the site for...

You'll still be able to play but you'll need to use outdated browsers such as internet explorer to play it or something.
Or extensions on the newer browsers I guess.
bonusbonus 6 years ago
  In any case, I think it would be interesting to re-design the BonusLevel website and to remake the games. HTML5 remakes, keeping all the levels. Why should BonusLevel be closed? How about an update instead? Just sayin'.
gameinsky 6 years ago
  Not as much that the site will be closed, more that flash will be discontinued

And all games on this site use it.
gamer 6 years ago
  I quote Gameinsky:

'Tell me, why is JP going to care about...on a website he (= JP) no longer cares about that will die in 2 years anyway?'

That means (for all Dummies here):

In 2 years this site will be closed!!!
pig 6 years ago
  My brother named me pig of his favourite animal 4 years ago.
greyanna 6 years ago
  @gameinsky I know you are unable to review! Will help you:
1. I only asked pig: why he is called pig
2. then they act like dummies: you may read it below
4. I lost my patience too!!!
gameinsky 6 years ago
  Ok, I'm going to call you to stop. Greyanna will be dealt with appropriately, no need to add more fuel to the fire.

I know that she hasn't changed her ways thus far and I'm indeed losing my patience here as well.
pig 6 years ago
  @greyanna idc if omr sits here all day long but at least he's very friendly and a nice person. but it's not really true 4 u
gameinsky 6 years ago
  All pigs are equal, but some pigs are more equal than others.
oldmanrob 6 years ago
  @pig. as everbody knows (except for elder german ladies) pigs are friendly and very clever animals. so your name is a very good one. no reasen to mind the bollocks. (if i may so about a lady.)

@greyanna. i don't care what you say and think about me. stupids can't offend me. no in real life and even less in the virtual one. but if you go on being rude with our younger members i will do everything i can to get rid of you on this site.
pig 6 years ago
  @greyanna I'm sure I'm thinner than ya at least I don't sit here all day long ;-;
pig 6 years ago
  No one cares about your negative comments get away.
greyanna 6 years ago
  I would guess so. used cut and paste instead of copy. This sheed isn't trustable and consistent if everybody can botch into! Did you ever hear about write protect??
And there is NO! need to copy stupid guys! you can easily download in diff. formats!!!
Why didn't you complete official table???

@pig Why do you called pig, haha!

edit: 'sit here all day long' as Omr, haha

@omr LOL

Yeah, like the pigs in Animal Farm.
gameinsky 6 years ago
  Fair enough.
oldmanrob 6 years ago
  that's the way i recover it. but and i don't know (and dont' whant to know) if it has been sabotated by mistake or with purpose.
gameinsky 6 years ago
  if you used google drive you can use logs to re-instate previous versions.
I think it will even tell you who did it
oldmanrob 6 years ago
  Somebody had delated all the datas on the blockoban top score list i made on april 1st. Now the list is recovred but no one can make any chagements. So i'm not sure if you can copy and past it. If you want to and it doesn't work you can contact me and i will make it possible just for you.
chris3000 6 years ago
  I wonder how many highscores I have? Anyways I'm hoping to solve 8000 before fall at least, that's 6-7 more months. I should be able to do it. I do want to try to solve some more officials. At least get to 240 for now, then I'll work on the rest later.

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jp 17 years ago
  sound on / off added (burfy's feedback).
16 official levels now. All levels are great. I must say I'm a big fan of Psychotronic's levels (thx Psycho). When a level is "only" accepted, it doesn't mean it will not be official one day, it's just I'm not sure for now.
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