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Topic, Game "BLockoban"

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chris3000 7 years ago
  @Oldmanrob: Hey, sorry it does seem like I am complaining. I need to use my energy to be positive and just be patient until I solve each level. I know it will take time to solve the rest of the levels, but I will do the best I can.

It is fun trying to optimize my score on other lvls that I've solved. Thank you for taking the time to make a pack for each category of levels. That's why I want this game to continue on and on so I can have fun.
oldmanrob 7 years ago
  Chris, why are you complaining all the time? If I look at the homepage of BL I can see that you are on rank 3 of the top members with a good opportunity to go up to rank 2 before the end of the year as gundu seems not to play anymore.

On BB I have to solve two official levels since years. No way I will ever succeed. And btw. about eight years ago I had only 4 levels left now they are over 1140.

However my goal in this game is to have FUN. As long as i have it I will go on playing. If the fun stops I will stop to play.
Treazer 7 years ago
  I'm sure you can do it, considering you already achieved a lot! Regarding your challenge, I would like to participate generally, but unfortunately, I'm quite the opposite of good in BLockoban so I have to pass.
chris3000 7 years ago
  Hey, look I'm getting stressed about the rest of the levels I have to solve. It's getting harder to solve levels, I only have 60 easy levels left, after that it will be med and hard. I have 1,865 lvls left in my unplayed tab. I am ashamed to say that some levels I've been stuck on for 2 years max and I am still not able to solve them. A majority of them are from PA, murat, Toughman, Camo, Monty, and Jos. I still have 23 officials left too. These 1865 lvls I have left are killing my brain to where my last brain cell has gone kaput. It's no point in me asking for hints anymore b/c I'm sure most players don't remember how they solved the med and hard. But I would at least like to solve the rest of the officials if I can. The best advice that I can give myself is to keep doing the lvl over and over and find a different strategy to solve it each time.

And I would like to start something fun with you guys. I would like to start improving on the levels I've solved. I'll post on each one I get a highscore or get a very very good one. The challenge is: you guys have to try to beat my score.

Are you up for the challenge? And I will continue to make more challenging and fun lvls for you guys to solve. And my birthday will be in 19 days. I'll turn 26 years old.

My goal for 2018 is to complete all officials, and have 8000 levels solved. Do you guys think I can do it?

I made a lvl called, "Giving up for now" b/c i'm taking a break from solving the hard lvls. I'm going to improve on lvls I've already solved.
oldmanrob 7 years ago
  @mcl my point of view changed in the moment i was able to solve all "easy" levels. :D :D :D
magnacumlaud 7 years ago
  No! It's frustrating for beginners to have this Yggdrasill4 levels in category easy!

@ OMR: don't understand your point of view? First you agree with me then you wrote it yourself in easy pack and now u will keep it as it is???
oldmanrob 7 years ago
  Most of the old hard and medium levels are easy. Many easy levels are kids. Some of the kids level are easy. Plenty of medium levels are either hard or easy. We can object almost every level category. So let's keep things how they are.
magnacumlaud 7 years ago
  Admins it is your job cause Yggdrasill4 seems to be unable to "solve": Gliese Star has nothing to do in easy category same with Antispiral Synch, Tension Frame, Mini Cascade, Fidget, Zephon, Aberrated Plant and Prototypical so please change. Maybe compare them with Slide Blockage it is in easy too.
greyanna 7 years ago
  @ ainee: you are great level designer! BRAVO !!!
Treazer 7 years ago
  That's a great achievement! I'm having a hard time solving the BB officials. In fact, it's the only game with CBCL where I haven't completed every official level, but in CBCL there's only 2 left, in BB 124 levels.^^

Good luck for the remaining levels!
chris3000 7 years ago
  Less than 2000 to solve. I'm on my way guys, so watch out. My skills are going up. I've even solved some from murat the past couple days. But I wish I could solve the rest of the officials, that's going to be a challenge but i'll eventually get it.

So, wish me luck, i'm going through the medium and hard tunnel now. I don't have many easy levels left to solve.
chris3000 7 years ago
  Well, I'm getting stronger at this game, I have 2,007 levels left to solve. I still can't beat the remaining officials.
Yggdrasill4 7 years ago
  No need to apologize, just really glad to contribute to one of my favorite puzzle games every once in a while, really appreciate your input. I will probably be gone again because will be busy with many other things but that's life :)
magnacumlaud 7 years ago
  Sorry Yggdrasill4 your levels are great: make a lot of fun and are really challenging!!! Thank you for that! I was only a bit upset cause you rate them all as easy, they definitely not and this make them even more fascinating.
oldmanrob 7 years ago
  well ygg, i think that if a level has lot of connected blocks and it requires lot of planning and lot of moves (more than 25) it is "medium". imo when in doubt it's always better to give a higher rate.
Yggdrasill4 7 years ago
  I honestly don't know how to rate my own levels, I can't tell if it is medium or easy for you guys lol. I cant design levels like camodragoon but I am glad they do get accepted.
SimonM 7 years ago
  I agree with the difficulty on some levels, but I guess it's not bragging, just being smarter than me. :)
oldmanrob 7 years ago
  i fully agree with magnancumlaud. ygg's levels shuld be at least medium.
magnacumlaud 7 years ago
  Yggdrasill4 what is it?: e.g. bragging! - that you always put your levels in wrong level of difficulty!
oldmanrob 7 years ago
  after a long time all packs updated. please use them.
lmr 7 years ago
  Happy Birthday omg
chris3000 7 years ago
  Wow, I've been getting much better at this game. I have almost 2200 left to solve. I keep asking the universe to help me get stronger at this game and it seems to be working.

And I hope everyone has a nice Easter weekend.
chris3000 7 years ago
  Wow, this game has almost 8500 levels. That's a huge accomplishment. I hope this game stays strong.
gameinsky 8 years ago
  You having the exact same introductory message as Deathgod means that you are red (rejected).

Stop making new accounts Monica, you're making them super obvious.
Treazer 8 years ago
  This is indicated by a blue or grey square next to the title of the level.

Blue = accepted
Yellow = official
Grey = to be evaluated
Purple = to be edited by the author
Red = rejected
BlockoBanner 8 years ago
  How can I know if my levels are accepted/evaluated or not?
Treazer 8 years ago
  Welcome guys! :)
DeathGod 8 years ago
  Hello just registered this website
oldmanrob 8 years ago
  namaste, bb. welcome at this great game.
lmr 8 years ago
  welcome. It is an awesome game/site.

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Play Game "BLockoban"

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jp 17 years ago
  sound on / off added (burfy's feedback).
16 official levels now. All levels are great. I must say I'm a big fan of Psychotronic's levels (thx Psycho). When a level is "only" accepted, it doesn't mean it will not be official one day, it's just I'm not sure for now.
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