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Topic, Game "BLockoban"

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suhangha 4 years ago
  Maybe there is Puffin browser for Window / PC? I'm currentty using mobile Puffin and chrome.

What happened to chrome news of the end of Flash support?
chris3000 4 years ago
  I'm not sure, maybe you should ask GIS. Surely there would still be some browsers that would still support flash and BL after December 31,2020. We're not really that far away from 10,000 levels, that's a huge milestone for this game!
patio09 4 years ago
  Hi guys,
How do you want to play BL after Chrome stops supporting Flash end of December ? Just wondering.
Dynamo 4 years ago
  It’s okay Chris, massive respect for owning up to this, couldn’t have been easy for you. All that matters is you accepted responsibility for it and you’re prepared to move on and learn from your mistakes. Yes, it was an abuse of your powers, but we’re all human. Don’t take these *particular* comments to heart. We all know you’re a valued member of this community and we all appreciate your efforts to keep BL active.
chris3000 4 years ago
  Hey everyone, I have a confession to make, I used my admin powers twice by editing old levels to make them eaiser to score on them, then I would change the level back to it's original position. Look, I promise I will not do it again, and I deleted those 5 score of mine on those levels. I wish you all weren't so harsh and strict. I work hard evaluating and creating levels so you guys can have fun and entertainment. If I don't start getting more support I'm gonna have to leave BL permenantly.
gameinsky 4 years ago
  BL unfortunately doesn't do IPbans. Usermods can keep rendering the accounts useless, but there are no preventative measures.

Remember, don't feed the bridgetroll.
lmr 4 years ago
  Chris, thankyou for what you do. Don't let rude, crude person get to you. Can they be reported or blocked from site?
chris3000 4 years ago
  You really have issues greyanna, well i'm going to keep doing what i'm doing for this site and that's to keep Blockoban alive and running. Indefinitely.
lmr 4 years ago
  some people have issues! and some never grow up
chris3000 4 years ago
  That may be Greyanna again using another account, what is up with her terrorizing us so much, I do try you know.
lmr 4 years ago
  No need to call people names. At least Chris is doing something for the game when he can!
chris3000 4 years ago
  Hey, I evaluated tons of levels for you all to play and solve, have fun. Bye now!
chris3000 4 years ago
  Thank you lmr, hope you and your family are staying safe. Take care. We have been able to tolerate more foods and drinks the past year.
lmr 4 years ago
  good to see you back
chris3000 4 years ago
  Hey, i am back everyone, I hope you all and your families are doing okay. I have been very busy taking care of my family and doing chores, keeping our food and suppliments/supplies in stock. I'm going to evaluate a bunch of levels tonight. I will try my best to be on here more often just be patient if possible.
suhangha 4 years ago
  Simon’s pack is finished? because pack evaluable instantly
chris3000 4 years ago
  Wow you guys are relentless, you must be listening to music in order to get better at solving. Keep it up, hang in there. I'll be back when I can.
sycoraximperator 4 years ago
  You are well informed SimonM!
SimonM 4 years ago
  You are probably referring to the discontinuation of flash. The site still works, but the flash player plugin won't be supported out of the box on the major browsers. However, I think there will still be third-party plugins to be able to run flash player in your browser.
sycoraximperator 4 years ago
  Good! But what happens to the game after Des 2020?
SimonM 4 years ago
  I still am, still 1000 levels left to solve.
sycoraximperator 4 years ago
  Anyone still playing this game?
sycoraximperator 4 years ago
  Anytime M8!
chris3000 4 years ago
  Yeah sorry, i will when I can. Just busy with household responsibilities and taking care of me and my family, i'll do my best. Plus my aunt is in the hospital so we're having to drive out of town twice a week to check on her.
sycoraximperator 4 years ago
  Chris M8! Doing the levelflood soon?
chris3000 4 years ago
  I just them Wednesday, i just have to set them up when i can. Blockoban is just not the same without oldmtnguy. I hope everyone is staying safe at home avoiding the virus.
sycoraximperator 4 years ago
  Hey Chris! Is your laptop arriving soon?
chris3000 4 years ago
  Great work with the tournament pack, i'll approve it once i get my computer here.

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Play Game "BLockoban"

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jp 17 years ago
  sound on / off added (burfy's feedback).
16 official levels now. All levels are great. I must say I'm a big fan of Psychotronic's levels (thx Psycho). When a level is "only" accepted, it doesn't mean it will not be official one day, it's just I'm not sure for now.
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