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Topic, Game "BLockoban"

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suhangha-2 2 years ago
  to be honestly I don't want my personality to be publicized in a bad way
I vote affirmatively for level producers
maybe renaming is better positive
nelson90 2 years ago
  I agree with GIS. I will leave the accepted levels (121 to 152) as is, unless you still want to rename them.

Many thanks for renaming the levels and proving that they were all possible, I can accept them now.
gameinsky 2 years ago
  I personally don't think there's much worth to do that to already accepted levels tbh.
suhangha-2 2 years ago

Please unaccept 121 to 152
I need to rename designer-union levels

I don't think 7.M is extremely hard and difficult

10.M is possible without any balls but I would like stay it because really difficult

please note that my levels spyed from universter is tolerably possible unless edited inside
chris3000 2 years ago
  The following levels are not possible/no one has scored.

108 Dozenal Hexign
107 Royal Sinkhole

I doubt I'll be solving much more cause really why waste time on a level I don't think I'm going to be able to do. Well I will be going to play Simon's games for a long while, until I'm able to get more help here. I will keep designing levels in my style here periodically but it's fixing to be a new year and i'm not going to be stressed about a game so, maybe if I come back in a good while I'll be refreshed and maybe tackle the hard ones.
nelson90 2 years ago
  @suhangha-2: I would like to accept your levels 153 to 168, but there are still two pending problems:
- as said in a previous post, I will only accept possible levels. I would like that you score on your extremely hard levels: Block Travel 7.M (BLockoban), Block Travel 10.M (BLockoban), level 153, levels 155 to 159.
- GIS asked you to give your levels a name that is relevant. Please change the title of levels 153 to 168.
magnacumlaud 2 years ago
  Message removed...
chris3000 2 years ago
  Hey Nelson, I read your message and did everything you told me to do in my recent levels. Fixed all thumbnails and changed the category to easy in "8600 Solved".

Well I won't be on as much as I used to. I play racing games (Gran Turismo) on my Playstation 4. Doing other things to occupy me.
suhangha-2 2 years ago
  thanks but I used inspiration instead of my own design since Universter began

I understand what you mean

level designers, thank for template bases
magnacumlaud 2 years ago
  edit: your welcome would be nice to get a title too

@suhangha-2 really challenging levels in the new packs

but lots of copycat from Bees Pack (BLockoban) in Block Travel World 2 (BLockoban)
suhangha-2 2 years ago
  theme (included colors) descript for everyone
nelson90 2 years ago
  @suhangha-2: could you make it clear what you want from me?
I understood that I had to delete the impossible score of levels 165 and 167 (done).
On the other hand, I don’t understand the rest of your message about levels 161 to 168. Please clarify.
suhangha-2 2 years ago
  Huang Mausoleum: 161 ~ 164

Dragon Palace: 165 ~ 168

impossible scores before updated: 165, 167
nelson90 2 years ago
  @john96: the level itself is nice but, as said in my previous post, a thumbnail with a very small part of the board is not acceptable. Please read my message again and feel free to ask if it isn't clear enough.

Do it also for your recently uploaded levels. About the level UNF Title 1 (BLockoban), update also the title when it is finished. Please let me know when you're done.
john96 2 years ago
  @Nelson: what was wrong with my level, "Corn"? I probably should pick a better title as it has nothing to do with corn. And what else should I do to fix it? What about the thumbnail?

I have recently uploaded a couple more but idk what I should name them as. I tested them and they are possible. Let me know what you think as I am going to eat dinner and be back later.
suhangha 2 years ago
  140: I reached 34 moves in Universter LC 34

easy to solve(grey levels yet): 142, 144, 149

little difficult level 148

proof showed scores in discord stream (Jurassic Marsh & Big Wave Beach part making): 8 levels

9.6 restored

unique moves by me:
Quad Blender
V for vendetta
Small Problems
Quadruple Transfer
Before Eight
suhangha-2 2 years ago
  I use the android puffin web browser, so shift doesn't work
I installed bluetooth on android keyboard mouse
gameinsky 2 years ago
  You can score on grey levels, indeed.

On top of that, I should also add, try to give your levels a name that is relevant. "151 gameinsky ainee" says nothing about the level.
nelson90 2 years ago
  This message is for designers. Most of you are doing things properly, I would simply like to recall two important rules.

- a level must obviously be possible, and I have to make sure of that before accepting it. Although I have the ability to solve most levels, there are still some for which I have not yet found the solution, especially some very hard levels of suhangha and suhangha-2. Therefore, I would like to ask the designers to score on their hard levels. I don't know if you can save a score on a grey (to be evaluated) level, let me know if it is not possible.
Please note that I will not accept a video of the solution.

- each level must have a good thumbnail, taken in test mode whilst holding shift key. Apparently, a few designers seem to consider that the thumbnail is not important, they take a very small part of the board, sometimes a single block. Please be aware that the thumbnail should represent the level. It is especially useful when the level is part of a pack, it allows to have a preview of each level without having to open it.
If you want to see some examples of good thumbnails, just have a look at official levels. Don't hesitate to take a large part of the level board, or even the whole level if it is not too big.
I'll mark some grey levels to be edited, so that their creators can retake the thumbnail.
nelson90 2 years ago
  @PuzzleFan: I got your PM, but I couldn't answer you directly because your inbox doesn't accept any message. I have edited your post, I hope it worked and you can get it.
suhangha 2 years ago
  I too have been diagnosed with an autism disorder because too very introverted
And somehow I was very brilliant in the field of mathematics.
(extremely rare coincidence to Chris)
When I was in school, I had no interest in anything other than art and math and technology. but nowly music making with math - recent situation
via discord - bl server - music

greyanna, ygg4 is THAT difficult and THAT
color BWB style so I leveled to THAT MUCH in Universter, thanks

Actually my BWB levels is bad wave levels, not too difficult but boring - levels 81 to 88
chris3000 2 years ago
  Hi, look I finished my pack so I guess just leave it unevaluated because I will have to keep updating it whenever new levels are accepted. On a second note I will be taking a break from this for a while, I have 1350 lvls left, I have solved 15 more tonight, some old which I'm thrilled about. Pool garden, M.Y.592, Puddle, Absurd, Quick Design 36, Banal Squares, and a few more.

I just don't have anymore patience on 75% of these, most are long boring, and too big to figure out what to do so I am gonna have to eliminate the stress of my life. I have enough issues and responsibilities in my daily life. I do have many talents because of my autism. They diagnosed me in 1996, I am one of the many people who are on the autism spectrum. I am good at advanced geometry and algebra/calculus. I already know which levels I'm not solving and will stay in my unplayed tab forever. So I am going back to PI and Jellify for now. There are many Block Travel levels I can't get plus most of greyanna's big designs. There's a lot from YGG4 that are complex and hard too so I give up for now but that's just the way it is. I knew I still wouldn't be able to do it, :(

Let me go, I'm done! Bye. I will still continue to create my designs and upload them for you all to play, that will never end but as far as the levels until I get help/hints I will have to stop for now. (Do not post videos on the solutions just send me hints or PM me, of how to start). I'm flattered that I still can't solve Start to the End from Gary. Well I've said enough, if any of you come back and read this you'll know I was serious. (PA, Jos, TM, murat, Monty, YGG4, omr, etc.)

magnacumlaud 2 years ago
  hey suhangha please make packs
nelson90 2 years ago
  Thanks suhangha-2. I marked level 9.6 to be edited and reset the scores of level 112. Unfortunately, it is no longer possible to delete a single score, I apologize to the other players.
suhangha-2 2 years ago
  As Nelson mentioned, Impossible Level 9.6 (misrespawned by chris) and impossible score in Level 112
Quoting nelson90 from Game "BLockoban"
I looked at the logs on the last levels created by Suhangha and Suhangha-2. I found 21 levels that Chris updated twice and still has a score, not only 3. Indeed, there could be more.

Block Travel 8.8 (BLockoban)
Block Travel 8.M (BLockoban)
Block Travel 8.9 (BLockoban)
Block Travel 9.6 (BLockoban)
Block Travel 9.7 (BLockoban)
108 Dozenal Hexign (BLockoban)
107 Royal Sinkhole (BLockoban)
Block Travel 8.7 (BLockoban)
Block Travel 9.5 (BLockoban)
Block Travel 8.2 (BLockoban)
123 Swamp (BLockoban)
Four Spot (BLockoban)
Three Red (BLockoban)
Get into it (BLockoban)
118 Surfing BL (BLockoban)
116 Arcade BL (BLockoban)
115 Royal BL (BLockoban)
114 Technology BL (BLockoban)
113 Golden BL (BLockoban)
112 Icefield BL (BLockoban)
110 Compass BL (BLockoban)

On level 112 Icefield BL (BLockoban), he has scored 12, I’m pretty sure that score is impossible.
Level Block Travel 9.6 (BLockoban) is probably not possible. In addition, this is a variant of a much easier level ElecTricky GreenLife (BLockoban) that Chris is unable to solve (see his comment on the level).

Can we still trust an admin who is not able to keep his promises and respect the rules, considering that this is at least the fourth time?
What do you think of that?
chris3000 2 years ago
  Message removed...
magnacumlaud 2 years ago
@gameinsky what a 'great' joke with an unloged Mo-Phantom!
john96 2 years ago
  Hi Mo, welcome back. How have you been doing since the pandemic, a lot of things have changed, everyone has to wear a mask before going outdoors. I agree, we all need to be working together to make BL a peaceful place. If all of us are arguing it will scare newcomers away.

1000 solved btw! How hard is Archery?
gameinsky 2 years ago
  Hello Mo! Nice to see you again!

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Play Game "BLockoban"

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jp 17 years ago
  sound on / off added (burfy's feedback).
16 official levels now. All levels are great. I must say I'm a big fan of Psychotronic's levels (thx Psycho). When a level is "only" accepted, it doesn't mean it will not be official one day, it's just I'm not sure for now.
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