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Topic, Game "BLockoban"

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chris3000 2 months ago
  Well I changed my mind, I'll still play games and keep doing what I'm doing here, I just won't be active as I used to. It's time for me to do different things and get my self-esteem up. I've been cooped up indoors for about 12 years ever since my health issues have progressed. I'll explain more about it later.
chris3000 2 months ago
  Hi guys, I got my Playstation 5 delivered Monday afternoon, I'm gonna set it up this weekend so I'll be sidetracked and inactive for a while. However I'll still post on my phone/laptop and check in but I'm not doing any games, I need a break. I'm happy to say that I'm making progress, I've got 1,306 levels to go. I commented on some if you want to know which ones I've recently solved.

However I need a hint for these levels, I think Jos is a brilliant level designer with these secret tricks. Minimized and Missing Block

Don't know how he does it, and you guys are amazing too at your levels, it's what makes Blockoban a fun and interesting place. Take care guys and enjoy the holidays and Christmas cheer.
nelson90 2 months ago
  Ok Ryan, scores are reset and your level is accepted.

Note: it wasn't necessary to change the design of the level (only the border) and the puzzle can be solved without the white icy. Anyway, I give you 5/5 for your first level.
Ryan123 2 months ago
  Ok, done. The scores will have to be reset because I added an icy block to help the blocks. It is a crucial part in solving the level. So, here is my fixed version of "Trapped Inside".
nelson90 2 months ago
  Happy to welcome you Ryan! Thanks for your first submission.

Your first level is fine and fun to play. I have no remark on the level itself, only a cosmetic detail to be improved: the thick border doesn't look very nice and should be reduced. Please do it, then retake the thumbnail.
chris3000 2 months ago
  Welcome to the BB club Ryan, you'll find many levels here to be fun and pleasant and can help you practice to improve your solving skills here. So, have fun and try to get the lowest scores possible.
Ryan123 3 months ago
  Hi, I am new to this site and I just submitted my first level. I hope it is sufficient enough and decent for any of you to play. I did my very best.

@Nelson: could you take a look at it today or tomorrow and let me know how it is and if I need to retake the thumbnail. Thank you.
PuzzleFan 3 months ago
  I'll let you guys know if I get anymore highscores so you all can improve your scores too, just for fun. We all have to do something fun in Blockoban to keep it going. Wow, this game is almost 17 years old. The very first post made here was 16 years ago. I can't believe it.
PuzzleFan 3 months ago
  Another challenge, I scored a 9 on "Coke Can 7". Can anyone match my score? Here's a hint, one of the white icy blocks can be useful for the red blocks.
nelson90 3 months ago
  Matched it too, very nice challenge PuzzleFan! I also feel that 9 is probably not possible.

There are still 5 Suhangha's levels without score: Block Travel 7.3 (BLockoban), Block Travel 7.4 (BLockoban), Block Travel 7.8 (BLockoban), Block Travel 7.9 (BLockoban) and 107 Royal Sinkhole (BLockoban). I already asked him to prove that these levels are possible. I will give him a few more days, then I will be obliged to set them to be edited.
Coolguy52 3 months ago
  Matched it! Very fun one to do in 10, not too sure if 9 is possible. I can't see it but this game isn't my strong suit.
PuzzleFan 3 months ago
  New challenge guys. I posted a score of 10 on Chris3000's level called, "Red Square II". Can you find and match my score, I don't think 9 moves would be possible there. But maybe someone can prove me wrong.

Also, there is still a score not shown on Block Travel 7.3. Is this level possible or not? I worked on it for an hour and found no solution.
suhangha 3 months ago
  Link is OPEN!!! And I made easier version to anyone can solves. If @one solves, please capture and share the scene

Latest Version

Easier Version

suhangha 3 months ago
  - The game board changed to bold
- Added undo function/button
- The outline can be customized with RGB color picker. Monochromatically. but not supposed an image background

Now, I just need to get the explanation, and then, the latest version will be finished.
Coolguy52 3 months ago
  @chris - You are creating a lot of different sets of levels with more than 10 levels in them. I wonder if packs would be useful or necessary for each of these series to organise them. Also, I'm confused why some of these levels have seemingly unrelated A, B and so on versions. I assumed that A and B would be similar, but for example with Red-White 36A (BLockoban), Red-White 36B (BLockoban) and Red-White 36C (BLockoban), I struggle to see the similarities, particularly with C.
suhangha 3 months ago
  not an error/a glitch in GGB, but the issue is that no features, suck:
the ability to upload image files to surface is there, but there is no function for line; can only Monochromatic line

UPDATE: Add undo buton
suhangha 3 months ago
  V3 making...
john96 3 months ago
  Good luck with your game. That sucks you can't edit the background. Is it a technical error or glitch?

And over 2,500 levels solved for this game!
suhangha 3 months ago


- Now it looks like it's noticeable, these 19 colors were world-themed colors anyway. I'll leave it like this (18).
- Can't add animation effects, but white background and bold outline. I made the empty space not look like a white hexagon.
- No way to make textured background
- The points are used for the first version, maximum size, no bolder.
- the empty looked like a white hexagon, but it's gone now, so please suggest consistent guidelines. I wish it was simpler
- I did it, managed to create an undo function that allows you to save "from start to end" data as an array. I made it so that when you go back to where you came from, you are sent back to where you were before. no need Button, right
chris3000 3 months ago
  Hey guys I have completed over 10,000 levels here. Wow, I can't believe it. Check my profile and take a look for yourself. I'll post a screenshot in Discord.
Dynamo 3 months ago
  I really love the idea suhangha, even though I'll probably never be able to solve it! Although, I feel like the changes you made are now unnecessarily confusing. I didn't think there was anything wrong with the first version apart from the colours being difficult to distinguish. I do have a few suggestions of my own which I hope might help:

- I might be completely wrong, but I feel like there must be 19 colours that can be easily distinguished from one another? The very pale and neutral colour palette doesn't help much.

- Have you thought about changing the background from bright green to something a bit more easy on the eyes that makes the hexagon colours stand out more? Maybe a pattern similar to that of Jellify, something simple with some slight movement that makes the puzzle seem dynamic? Or if you wanted to stick with a block colour background, maybe give the puzzle some kind of border to draw attention to the puzzle itself?

- Expanding on my previous point, your game reminds me of a wooden tabletop decorative puzzle we used to have at my old house. So I was thinking, if it wouldn't be too difficult to design and incorporate, maybe some kind of wood patterned border around the entire puzzle could look quite nice? Maybe even giving the hexagon pieces a subtle wood or metallic effect could complement the border nicely too?

- I think the design of version 1 was much better than version 2 as it was a lot easier to understand. I would suggest reverting back to version 1 but maybe increase the size of the inner circles slightly and increase the thickness of the black outline very slightly as I think this could make the colours (or patterns) you eventually decide on stand out more.

I do have a couple more suggestions but they wouldn't fit in this post so I'll attach the rest in a Google Doc. I look forward to seeing the final polished version suhangha. :D
suhangha 3 months ago
  I've made a new version based on your feedback. It is very difficult to create symbols or patterns. I took symbols as Sub-colored Circle and Ring.

New version, looks easy to match, but visually confusing.
Old version, playable visually natural, but colors are hard to distinguish.

I will keep both alive
New ver
Old ver
suhangha 3 months ago
  I finally completed with 86 moves as my best.
but I ruined the results by a little undo.
It could have been a better score. Thanks for feedback
gameinsky 3 months ago
  It's a nice take on a puzzle, but the huge amount of colours and unclear demarcations make it really hard to figure out which colour is which. I strongly suggest to add symbols as soon as your amount of colours exceed 7.
suhangha 3 months ago
  Only puzzle games on BL are BB 1 & 2, PI, and Jellify.
People may want a different challenge.

This is My First script puzzle.
Anyone who wants to challenge the puzzle?
it generates a random puzzle.

If your browser isn't working, try using Mobile Chrome.
I think GeoGebra was made specifically for mobile.
And you have to wait until the shuffle is generated.
See the description in app.
Quoting suhangha from Return Mod plex

I finally finished making the puzzle!!! The shuffling function was implemented using the for-statement. Thus, parity was resolved. I figured out how to use Global JavaScript: the place for instance fields / methods, not that local
ggbOnInit() means when first launches in-app.

it's a really difficult puzzle!!!

go ----->Hexagon Puzzle<----- go
chris3000 4 months ago
  Excellent work John, keep it up and you'll reach 5,000 levels and get that other award, "The Mile High" one.
john96 6 months ago
  2000 levels solved for this game, hooray!

chris3000 6 months ago
  Wow, congratulaions Simon for solving over 10,000 levels. I don't think no one has reached that milestone yet. See dcoco only focuses on mostly the hard levels, he could have beaten every single level, but he didn't. I'm hoping to work hard and reach 10k before 2025 begins. Nelson has solved almost 9,800 levels, so he may be second in line, 3rd for me possibly.
Coolguy52 6 months ago
  My guess is that no new topics can be created, so no new level comment sections can exist.
john96 6 months ago
  Hey nelson, I got the same score as you in "Pink Plus 6". It took me four tries but I somehow found the trick you did.

It's still weird why we can't post on the levels that are less than a year old, I don't know if it's a database error or some other type of glitch.

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Play Game "BLockoban"

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jp 17 years ago
  sound on / off added (burfy's feedback).
16 official levels now. All levels are great. I must say I'm a big fan of Psychotronic's levels (thx Psycho). When a level is "only" accepted, it doesn't mean it will not be official one day, it's just I'm not sure for now.
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