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Topic, Game "BLockoban"

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chris3000 2 years ago
  Message removed...
nelson90 2 years ago
  You’re right, Chris, a reminder is always helpful.
Here you will find the installation instructions for Pale Moon and Flash Player:
Adobe Flash forum
chris3000 2 years ago
  Who knows, maybe some old BB pros and amateurs will come here again once they find the work-around for flash. Pale Moon is the latest best site to download anywhere on the globe. Maybe you should post the link again nelson so everyone that re-visits can know how to download it on their computer/PC.
nelson90 2 years ago
  Hello Murat, welcome back! I am very happy that you have returned to our small community, we missed you and your hard/insane levels :) I hope everything is going well for you now.

About your previous account, have you tried to click on "I forgot my password"? As with other sites, there should be an option to unlock your account.
murat0 2 years ago
  Thank you for the kind words and greetings! No one else noticed my return? And what happened to TM, oldmanrob, and PA. They vanished years ago, I guess TM got slammed with work,family and heavy responsibilties.
chris3000 2 years ago
  Hey, welcome back, we were all worried about you, glad you came through, that's an amazing blessing! It has been rough due to the pandemic, next March will be three years since it originally started.
murat0 2 years ago
  Greetings Blockoban community! It is I murat once again returning. I had to get an interpreter to help me understand English so it takes me a long time to write messages like this and construct them. I have been inactive for 4 years because my house got damaged by a huge typhoon so we have been living in a shelter with no internet access, however a blessing came to me and my wife/children, a couple months ago, our aunts/uncles gave us 50,000 pounds to help us buy a new home, and a computer/supplies, etc. We finally finished moving everything from the destroyed house to our new one, so I am back home.

And for people wondering back then why I titled my levels M.Y. on my previous account back then was because I ran out of level names, so I used my Initials and the number of levels I had beside it. But now thanks to the help of my long-time interpreter I have learned/studied more advanced words and their terminology so I have found more titles! I have misplaced my password to my other account so I will have to use this one for now, but I am glad to be back. I am using Pale moon, just found about it thanks to nelson's post. I had to search extensively for it last night!
suhangha 2 years ago
  reset scores please 105 to 118 you illegally scored
PuzzleFan 2 years ago
  Great job john on the award, you should feel good about yourself, wish me luck guys, I'm gonna start working on my 2nd level this week.
suhangha-2 2 years ago
  this pack in 140 levels so far as yet
CLASS PACK (BLockoban)
more levels should comes although not sure end stage number
john96 2 years ago
  Yes, I solved 500 levels and achieved the award, now my next goals are the Archery award and the 5000-mile one. That will take time but I can do it! I have to think positive and envision it.
suhangha-2 2 years ago
  If john96 as well as PuzzleFan have email, let me know
PuzzleFan 2 years ago
  Well let's all just forget about it and get back to puzzle solving and designing all the levels we can. The point of the game is to also have fun and not worry about solving every single level.
chris3000 2 years ago
  Well I made a new recent pack for you all to play, I can't comment on it as the database won't allow me to. I'm halfway finished with it but I wanted you to take a sneak peek and try it, see where you stand in ranking. I have been flustered and stuck/clueless for many years on these, I'm tired of seeing them in my unplayed tab.

Well any help/tips, hints, anything would help, if you have any extensive info, PM me or e-mail me. Do not show me videos on how to solve it completely because that would spoil the fun of the level and be boring for me,so just give me hints on how to get started/constructing the blocks, etc.

I will never abandon BL and I will stay as admin for as long as I'm able too, I'm pulling my weight and making creations a lot so I need help from you all. It's a teamwork effort, we have to keep BL alive!
suhangha 2 years ago
  yes replace 1block is better
gameinsky 2 years ago
  I talked to Chris about this, he told me he changed levels back to how they originally were (because he had edited them in the past to make them easier for him). In a way it's him trying to make things right again. It's quite a messy way of doing it and he should have made his intentions clear, but what is done is done.
I feel like this entire ordeal has been a mess, but I also think that with an active playerbase of like 8 people it's not really worth getting worked up about this.

Besides, when Chris was appointed admin for Blockoban, nobody else wanted to or had the amount of playing experience that Chris had. As coolguy has said, this fact hasn't changed that much.
patio09 2 years ago
  Would have been better just to change one yellow to red so there aren't any dummies...
chris3000 2 years ago
  Ok, I fixed "Mini Fire Ball" by adding two red blocks and I tested it, it's possible so try it now.
Coolguy52 2 years ago
  I mean honestly - I don't know if there would be anyone able/willing to administrate as when Chris was added 3 years ago he was the best choice, and unfortunately - if anything has changed - fewer players play this now and so there are fewer choices.

I am not an authority in this game - and I think you should speak to GIS or Elizea about it. My opinion would be to promote somebody else who I trusted as a balance, but as far as I am aware, the site admins want to limit the people who can alter levels as much as possible - even stopping people being trusted to limit it as much as possible (to prevent this type of thing I'd guess).

I am unsure whether you can be trusted again - it's not easy considering this is the third time. I would possibly be willing to trust you again but so long as you were sincere and never edited another old level again - though I'm conflicted as again this isn't the first or even second time.

But again, this is something you will have to speak to GIS or Elizea about this.
chris3000 2 years ago
  @Patio09, ok i'll mark that particular level pink to be edited later. I posted on some of the levels I edited.

Well I do have a confession, yes I edited 15-20 old levels in order to make them easier for me to solve and then I restored them back to the way they were. I did go back and delete a few of my scores because I did not faithfully solve them. I am sorry about this. I really want to continue to be the best admin I can here and solve each level faithfully like the rest of you have.

I'm making a pack of the levels that I have remaining. It is not finished yet that way I don't have to comment on each level I am stuck on. You all can see what I have left. I hope GIS/Elizea don't get mad about this, they told me 2-3 times not to do this. Can someone please talk to them about this issue? Nelson, CG, anyone? I think greyanna saw me do it too, she PM'd me with another account saying I better stop editing old levels.

Look guys I promise not to edit anymore old levels. Please don't revoke my admin powers!! I'm talking to GIS/Elizea if they see this. I hope no one thinks bad of me. I regret doing this in the first place. I created this situation.
patio09 2 years ago
  Since we can't write comments to the new levels anymore I have to use the general post.
Mini Fire ball can't be solved since there is one red block missing (and a spare yellow)
PuzzleFan 2 years ago
  Well here is my point of view for it, maybe GIS/Elizea should give him one more chance but we are going to have to keep an eye on this. Meaning that we need to monitor each member's page. Apparently when he alters levels like this, he scrambles and accepts 40-50 new levels so we won't see it which is wrong. Idk, should we get a new admin? If he hasn't learned by now then I don't know if he should be messing with the game.

But who would be willing to take his place if he does get his privileges revoked? I can't believe what Chris is doing. I thought he was trustworthy years ago but apparently not. This is setting a bad example for BL.
nelson90 2 years ago
  Like john96, I was surprised to see new levels created by Murat, allyally and others (inactive for a very long time). Looking closer, I saw in the logs that Chris had made 4 updates:
- chris3000. Evaluated level. Blue, accepted. 6 hours ago
- chris3000. Evaluated level. Grey, to be evaluated. 6 hours ago
- chris3000. Updated level. 6 hours ago
- chris3000. Updated level. 6 hours ago
Since there is no valid reason to update a very old level, I have the feeling that Chris is very likely cheating again. At the first change, he simplifies the level in order to be able to solve it, then he restores it.
Besides, I don't understand why he turned the level Grey then Blue again, because it has for consequence to place it at the beginning of the accepted levels, which makes the modifications even more visible.
Chris has already promised twice not to do these bad practices again, can we still believe him? What do you think?
Coolguy52 2 years ago
  @john96 - if you click on the '[More]' link for a level which says that it's updated - it displays a log of the updates, and who changed it. This time it was Chris.

@PuzzleFan - you need to understand all of the different tricks for this game - it is definitely a very technical game given how simple it is. Looking at your first level - it is pretty fun, but it is very large and has a lot of empty space which isn't really part of the puzzle. I do like how the three blocks depend on each other - so its overall a fun kids level.

I would say your levels shouldn't be titled stuff like 'My First Level' - as it doesn't really tell you much about the content of the level. It seems like you got a good aspect ratio for the thumbnail but in case you didn't know holding shift whilst taking your thumbnail makes it easier to get a 1:1 ratio.

All of that being said - it's a pretty good first level! I rated 5/5!
john96 2 years ago
  Hey! Who updated the old levels at the bottom of the page! I noticed it when I logged on this morning. Someone better check this, I hope the site isn't getting hacked!? And I noticed on page 1-2 in the accepted levels page that some of the old appeared there as well. Did Chris do this?
PuzzleFan 2 years ago
  Hello Blockoban community! I finally joined BL today, I introduced myself in the main forum, (see my post in Introduce Yourself).

So can someone explain how this game works and what are the rules/tricks needed to master each level. I submitted my first level this morning. I will need help/assistance on certain levels or while designing my own creations.
chris3000 2 years ago
  I sent you a PM nelson, can you check it today?
gameinsky 2 years ago
  Yeah, signs of the wesbite no longer being maintained, heh.
I'm always available in the chat located on the bottom right corner of the Bonuslevel logo.
Either way, I have addressed your concern.
nelson90 2 years ago
  @john96: you sent me a PM, but I couldn't answer you because your inbox is probably bad configured and doesn't accept any message. I would suggest to chat by mail. If you agree, please send me a message with your mail address. Indeed, I will never communicate it to anybody.
suhangha-2 2 years ago
  I need Trust , please (admin is batter?)
I cant edit own blue level

pink (magenta/purple) of course en route

you are doesn't help

Games forum

Play Game "BLockoban"

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jp 17 years ago
  sound on / off added (burfy's feedback).
16 official levels now. All levels are great. I must say I'm a big fan of Psychotronic's levels (thx Psycho). When a level is "only" accepted, it doesn't mean it will not be official one day, it's just I'm not sure for now.
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